Chapter 5

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Douglas Booth plays Tyler! his pic is on the side....When I write Tyler's parts I can almost hear his accent HAHA!! ok you can start reading the story now XD. Comment, Fan, Vote


I felt someone shaking me but I didn’t wake up.

“Christina get up.” I heard Dean’s voice say.

“Please, five more minutes.” I mumbled. I really wasn’t a morning person.

“Get up or I will kiss you.” I jumped up and out of bed. “I’m up! What time is it?”

“It’s 7:45.” I looked at him and he was already dressed in his school uniform. Dammit I was late. I rushed to my bag and pulled out clothes. I had to be at school by eight.

“Why didn’t you wake me up you idiot?”

“You look cute when you sleep.” I screamed in my head and started undressing pulling on the uniform.

“You know your getting dressed right in front of me.” He said smiling.

“Yes, but I don’t care. I’m late.” I ran into the bathroom combing my hair, brushing my teeth and putting on mascara and clear lip-gloss. The red polo was tucked into a khaki skirt, blue sweater, and high white knee socks that I decided to wear with my red converse. I then tied my hair in a ponytail letting my bangs fall to the side and rushed out and grabbed a bar to eat for breakfast. When I think about it I didn’t even get a chance to eat dinner as my stomach rumbled.

I grabbed my bag at the door and stared at my schedule.

“Do I have any classes with you guys?” I said to my roommates that were following shortly behind me.

They snatched my schedule out of my hand.

“We only have like four classes together. We will walk you to your homeroom though.” Blaze said smiling.

We walked to a different building and I had to climb a flight of stairs. I was about to enter my homeroom when Tyler pulled me into a huge hug.

“Don’t talk to the creepy guys.” He said smiling. They all gave me a hug and Dean kissed my cheek knowing it would annoy me as he smirked and walked away.

I took a seat near the back and looked down as I felt all gazes on me.

“Son, you need a haircut.” The teacher said jokingly. Everyone in the classroom started joking and I realized that was meant for me. I looked up and saw the teacher widen his eyes in shock as he stared at me through his glasses.

“My eyes must be playing tricks on me, I’m seeing a girl in the classroom.” The teacher said. He ran his fingers through his dark hair and he looked round his early twenties. He looked like a modern day Clark Kent.

“Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you Mr. I’m a new student here, I’m actually the first girl to enter this school.”

“Wow.” He said. His eyes lingered on me for a while. “Speak to me after class.”

I had him for my first block teacher too so I waited as the bell rang as other boys stared and took there seats.

A boy came in late to class and looked down. He looked around the room to see the only seat open was next to me. He came over and slung his book bag off of his back and placed it next to him.

“Hey.” I said. He stared at me and nodded. I looked at him and he had dirty blond hair that fell into his face and green eyes that made you want to look at him. His gaze held secrets that I wanted to explore, but they also showed shyness. He looked at the teacher, or the rest of classand I tried to start a conversation but he would just nod and not look at me, or he was trying to not get into trouble. He was really shy which I hated because he really was good looking just like every other boy that went to this school.

The bell rang and as I grabbed my bag I was about to leave class when I tripped on the edge of a desk but I didn’t fall. Warm arms enveloped my waist and I turned around to see the teacher staring at me.

“Whoa easy there.” He left his hands on my waist and I felt uncomfortable for a teacher to touch me like that even though he was in his twenties or so.

“I think its best that you let go of me.” He stared at me and hesitantly let go.

“So how are you liking your first day so far?” he said while pushing up his square rimmed glasses.

“It’s really good, the work isn’t bad, and I have a group of friends already..”

“That’s good at least, it must be awkward being the only girl here.”

“Yah, but I think I’m adjusting.” I said.

“Go, you will be late for your next class.” I smiled at him and ran to my next class making sure I wouldn’t be late.

Through out the rest of my classes I couldn’t stop thinking of my cool teacher and what was I going to do about this whole I have a boyfriend situation.

When the lunch bell rang I ran toward the food court and looked around to see all of the tables mostly filled already. I went in the line for Len Garden and got myself some orange chicken, white rice, and an egg roll. I got my tray and looked for somewhere to eat. Everyone stared and waved me over but I simply smiled and looked for my roommates or at least someone I knew.

“Kristen, over here.” I turned around to see Logan waving me over to a group of guys. I squeezed in between him and another guy.

“Hey, Kristen right?” said a boy next to me.

“Yah nice to meet you.” I waved to the rest of the table but they kept on staring at me.

“They will get use to you, don’t worry.” Logan whispered into my ear. I nodded but the conversation really consisted of would you ever go out with a guy like me or what was my first date like.

“Guys this is a little weird, I’m sorry but I'm going to find someone else to sit with.” I gave Logan an awkward hug and I looked around the cafeteria. I dumped my trash in the garbage and saw the boy that was shy sitting by himself. I guess I will sit with him. I headed over to his table but Luke went right up to me.

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