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"April! You're here! Yes! Thank you for coming. Jimin is here in this room. Be cordial!" the counselor says as she leads me to a room where Jimin is. "Jimin, this is April. Your Student Ambassador. She'll explain most of the things we didn't cover when we were on the tour. She's going to be like your personal guide or something." she says. "That just seems wrong..." I say as I frown. "Ahem. Be cordial... -.- Now, go on~" she says. I roll my eyes at her as I turn back to Jimin. "Hello~ My name is April. As she might have told you before. I'm also form Korea, so you can kind of relate to me. Hahaha.. That just seems wrong as well... >.< I'm the only Korean you'll probably find here, so... Yeah.. Which is just kind of sad.. Hahah... Okay.. You'll just have to get over my randomness.. >.<" I say as I blabber in English. He just looks at me in amazement. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" I ask with a frown. "No idea. What said you." he says in broken English. Hahah.. I don't know hwy, but I find broken English just cute.. >~< "Haha... I'm sorry.. Umm.. Annyeong. My name is April. It's an English nick name for me. Haha. You won't find any Koreans here except me so... Yeah... Hah... This is just awkward... >.<" I say in Korean. He smiles in understatement as he replies back to me. "Oh really? You're Korean? o_o That's... Cool! Because I didn't expect to see a Korean here! You just made my day! xD" he says with wide eyes. "Haha. Thanks. I don't think we have much time to chat about stuff right now since class starts in a few minutes, so let's talk while we go." I say as I open the door with one hand, and glance at the schedule with one hand. "Ohh, right.. Yeah." he says as he gets up from the chair, and follows me outside. "Kajaa~!" I say as I put the schedule in my bag. I pull him by the arm as I freeze after a moment. What are you doing April..?! He's Korean he's not quite used to the skin ship like we do in America.. o_o Let go! Apologize! This moment! "OH MY GOD... I'm SO sorry.. >.< I know this is kind of an American style kind of thing... >.< I'm so dumb... SORRY... >-<" I say as I apologize, and bow 90 degrees in formal manner. "Hahah.. It's okey." he says with a warm smile. "You might want to get used to this, and the craziness... It's filled inside me.. o_o" I say as I smirk. "Haha. That won't be a problem. I go through more craziness than you think. ;)" he say with a smile. "Ohh, then that's good haha." I say as I nod in understatement. 

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 I notice some stares from people... Of course... The newbies always get to the top 10 hotness.. -.- And look at him.. He's literally one of them.. Got to get used to that.. =.= I ignore it was I start jumping up, and down like crazy. He just smiles at me. Normal people would just look at me like I'm crazy which of curse is me. :P "HYPER HYPER AHHHH!!! XD OMG... Sorry.. I'm just like this.." I say as blush in embarrassment. "Haha you're cute. Reminds me of Taehyung. One of my besties. He's just like you. Random, crazy, cute." he says as I blush harder by the word cute. "Haha. He seems like me.. True. :33 I can see you're on the top hotness rank right now. I think. Look at them look at you. Looking at you like you're some god..." I say as I just shake at my classmates. -.- Always. Always. Always... He just gives me the o_o look. "Hah. You think I'm just some kind of crazy girl saying you're hot.. But really. Look in the mirror!" I say as I cover mouth in embarrassment of what I had just said. "Oh lord.. Sorry. Bad first impressions.. -.- Today is not my day.. Just know that... >~<" I say as i hit myself in the forehead. -___- "Haha. Thank you. You're not crazy like in a bad way." he says as he smirks. "Look in the mirror yourself. You're pretty. I'm sure you're in the top hotness as well Haha." he says as he grows pink in his cheeks after he says that. Aww.. So cute.. :33 Ahem.. Concentrate.. o_o What if the counselor is right... What if I fall for him... O_O It's possibly looking at how my heart & brain is acting when I see him.. >.< Hah... CONCENTRATE APRIL LEE! >.<

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