School Shooting

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It has been a month now. I know so much about Phil. Mostly everything. I know for sure that he is cute. He's gay. He likes Muse which is both our favorite band. He likes lions. A lot. I like llamas. Phil loves mostly everything I love. I love him. Bang! There was a loud noise in the school. It was a gunshot. "What is this?!" I thought. "START PUTTING EVERYTHING IN FRONT OF THE DOOR!" Mrs.Williams yelled. She locked the door and shut the curtain. Then everybody started piling stuff in front of the door. "Where's Phil?!" I looked around franticly. He was in the corner. I ran over to him. I grabbed his hand and just held it. We heard more gunshots. Phil pulled his hand away and covered his ears. He was whispering. "No, no, no, please no." Phil whispered. He jumped into me. I held him. He was important. Everyone was in the corner now. No more gunshots? No. We heard more gunshots. I thought. "Police." I whispered. I grabbed my phone and called 999. I had talked to the police and they rushed to the school. I heard them come in. "Its going to be okay, Phil." I said and hugged him tighter. We heard the police yell. "DROP THE GUN!" The police yelled. "DROP ON THE GROUND AND PUT YOU HANDS UP!" Phil quavered. "Its going to be over soon, Phil." I said quietly. "Your under arrest for a school shooting! You have a right to remain silent!" The police shouted at the intruder. Other cops came into the classroom. He walked over to me. "Thank you, Daniel. You saved these peoples lives." He said and shook my hand. Phil got up. He hugged me tightly. He was crying. I'm surprised I kept my shit together. Everyone was crying. I wiped the tears from Phil's face. I kissed him on the forehead. "Its okay now, Philly." School got out early because of the shooting. Phil was still terrified. That dick scared my Phil. I walked Phil home. "Mrs.Lester?" I yelled through the house. "Hello? She said walking through from the louge into the kitchen. "I'm Phil's friend, Dan. There was a shooting at the school. Everyone is okay." She looked shocked. She hugged us both. "Thank you, Dan. For bringing him home of course." She said. Phil was still hugging me. "Philly?" I said. "Danny?" He said. "You're home, Philly." I said. "What? Oh." He said and let go of me. He hugged me again. He then grabbed my hand and ran up stairs. He through me on his bed. He smiled and flopped down on his bed. "What was all that?" I had to ask. "Energy!" He said and climbed on top of me. "RAWWWWR!" He said and than pretended to scratch me. Then he kissed me. "You done?" I said. "Nope." He said. "Quick! Feel my forehead!" I yelled. Phil put his cold hand on my forehead. "Mm you don't have a fever but you do have a major case of the munchies!" He yelled and grabbed my hand and ran downstairs. I laughed. He sat me down on the stool. He sat pop tarts in front of me. "Bam!" He said and faked an explosion sound. I laughed. He was trying to stop laughing as he put the pop tarts in the toaster. The toaster wouldn't heat them. "EVIL TOASTER!" He yelled. I walked over to him and the toaster. I plugged the toaster in. "Try now, Prince Phil!" I yelled. He tried the toaster. "IT WORKED! YOU ARE THE KIND PRINCE OF WINSTENTON!!" Phil yelled. I fell to the floor laughing. How are web so happy after a school shooting? I mean nobody died. The toaster dinged. "THEY'RE DONE!" Phil hopped up ,grabbed two plates and carefully placed the pop tarts on them. "Phil Lester and the pop tarts!" I said laughing at my Harry Potter reference. Phil turned around. "10/10." He said. I laughed. He lifted me up. "NOBEL PONY!" He yelled jumping on me. He stopped and grabbed the pop tarts. "ONWARDS!" he yelled. We marched upstairs proud of our pop tarts.

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