The Convention

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"Oli... Can we please sit down?" A blonde woman asked as her son tugged on her hand.
"But there was a stall that was selling anime DVDs! Please, Ann, we can sit down soon." Oliver whined, not letting go of Ann's hand. She sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. The young boy continued to energetically pull her towards the stall, his mask falling off slightly.

Oliver was a huge fan of anime and cosplay. He dressed up as characters, purchased endless amounts merchandise and dragged Ann to just about every convention he went to. Ann was fine with her son being an otaku, but being dragged around a con for hours was quite exhausting. Oliver dressed up for every convention, this time being Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul.

Because of an unfortunate incident that occurred to Oliver as a young child, he could only cosplay as a few characters. At about two years old, he had knocked over a chopping board, sending a knife into his right eye. After days in hospital, it was announced that Oliver's eye was too damaged to be used, so he covered it with eyepatches and bandages for the next ten years of his life. The only characters he went to cons as were Kaneki, Ciel Phantomhive and a few others, for they didn't show their eyes.

Ann thought Oliver looked quite cute in his cosplay. He had a messy white wig over his blonde hair, and a black and white mask placed over the main features of his face. His black outfit had red kagune attached to the back, curling around his shoulders like tentacles. Oliver was really small compared to Kaneki, making him sort of popular with the other Tokyo Ghoul cosplayers (because of his cuteness).

Oliver had finished making his purchase of the anime Shingeki no Kyojin and made his way back to Ann, clutching onto the DVD.
"Can we please sit down now? My feet are killing me!" Ann said, standing on one leg to massage the soul of her foot.
"Yeah, I want to read the back of the disc case." Oliver replied, his voice muffled by the mask.

The group of two had found a small cafe and were seated under a wide umbrella outside, watching cosplayers walk past. Oliver had his face buried in the back of the DVD, taking in the small amount of information provided about the anime.
"Attack on Titan looks really good! I'll probably watch it when we get home." Oliver explained, putting the disk down.
"This is, if we go home. I can tell you'd probably spend your life here if possible." Ann smirked and sipped her tea.
"I would love to spend my life here!" Oliver laughed, gesturing to the convention by throwing his arms out.

Soon they were back to aimlessly wandering around, taking photos with cosplayers and buying anime based items (such as badges, keychains and clothing accessories). Oliver had taken a number of pictures with people dressed as Touka, Tsukiyama and Hide from Tokyo Ghoul, all while Ann stood to the side and smiled at her son's popularity.

While Oliver and his mother sat down to reorientate, he overheard a conversation between a couple of cosplayers behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw who they were; two people, a bit older than him, wearing the Attack on Titan uniform. The taller of the two, a girl, had bright blue eyes, while the other had one blue and one green eye. The feature that stood out most was their matching white hair.

The girl leaned down to reach the other's height, talking into their ear.
"Piko, look! An adorable Kaneki! Go get a photo!" She squealed, unaware she was in Oliver's earshot. He awkwardly pretended not to hear by facing away, still listening.
"Uh... Okay..." Piko hesitantly replied to the girl.

Oliver didn't hear the pair approach, and turned around quickly when he felt a tap on the shoulder. It was the white haired boy, with the taller girl a few feet behind him.
"Um... Sorry but, could we get a photo please?" He stuttered, moving chin length hair from his face. At this moment Oliver got a good view of the older boy's face. His blue and green eyes were brightly coloured, and beautiful. On top of Piko's head of silver hair stood a cowlick, curled at the tip to resemble a P. His skin looked pale and smooth, like he didn't spend much time in the sun. Oliver forced himself to remove his eyes to avoid any further awkwardness.

The young cosplayer nodded, standing up as Piko handed the girl his camera. The white haired girl took a few photos of Piko and Oliver posing next to each other. She approached them and handed Piko back his camera.
"You look amazing! You're so cute, Kaneki!" She said, smiling. Oliver nodded as a 'thank you'.
"Oh, and my acquaintance here is Piko, if you were wondering."
Piko looked flustered, "I-IA!"
"Oh, and I'm IA." She smiled sweetly as she spoke. Piko stared at her, obviously frustrated and slightly embarrassed.
IA smirked and rummaged through her bag, fishing out a few small cards. She handed one to Oliver who quickly scanned over it.
"Thank you!" Oliver called as Piko and IA walked away, chatting.

Ann leaned over to see what Oliver was holding.
"What's that?" She asked.
"The Attack on Titan cosplayers have me a card with their DeviantArt accounts on them." Oliver explained, examining the card. One side had a drawing of the AoT characters, probably done by one of the two, and the other had the account names.
"Oh, you should check it out when we get home."

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