Wait, I'm in love?!

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After a couple more hours of wandering around the convention site, Ann finally decided to leave. Oliver was hesitant but eventually agreed to go home. The trip on the subway was incredibly awkward, with people staring with awe and confusion and Oliver's costume. He had unzipped the mouth piece to talk, leaving a set of printed teeth to line his mouth in a way that would disturb anyone who didn't know it was a mask.

At their home, Oliver quickly changed into normal clothes and placed his DVD set on the table next to his laptop, reminding him to watch it later. He opened up DeviantArt and, looking at the small laminated card, typed in the usernames of the Attack on Titan cosplayers. The first page to show was supposedly the girl's, with a drawing of her in cosplay as her icon. Oliver scrolled through IA's page, viewing her drawings. They were detailed and looked amazing, filled with colours that reflected the emotions in the piece.

Oliver opened the second tab; Piko's account. His page was covered in his drawings, fanart and original pieces. Some of the art was collaborations with IA and other users, showing the different styles of drawing and colouring. Oliver scanned the page, and noticed some links attached the side. With closer inspection, he realised that they showed Piko's other various social media accounts.

In a few clicks, Oliver found himself on Piko and IA's Skype accounts. Switching to Piko's, he opened the chat. He thought hard about what to type in the messages, not wanting to make a fool of himself. Choosing his words carefully, he wrote:

From BirdTomato:
Hi! This is the Kaneki Ken from the convention earlier.  Just wanted to say that you looked awesome in your cosplay. Maybe we could talk? Thanks.  ^w^

Oliver mentally cringed at himself.
God, I sound like a school girl who wants senpai to notice her. He shook his head and noticed that Piko was replying. Slightly panicked thoughts swirled in Oliver's mind.
What's he going to write? Did he like my cosplay? Did my message sound too weird? He held his breath and read the text.

From MusicalKyojin:
Oh, hi! Your cosplay was freaking amazing. I bet the Tsukiyamas were all over you ;D

Oliver felt a light blush spread over his cheeks. He fumbled for the keyboard and wrote back.

From BirdTomato:
Yeah, at least four of them tried to give me roses at the same time.
Btw, your DeviantArt account was amazing. I wish I could draw like that.

From MusicalKyojin:
Oh god, thank you! I'm not actually that good compared to my sister, but she's teaching me.

From BirdTomato:
Was the girl with you at the con your sister? You two look really alike. But I don't think you need to change anything in your art, it's awesome!

Piko didn't type back for about two minutes, leaving Oliver in a suspense that seemed to consume your mind and drag itself around your head.

From MusicalKyojin:
Sorry, I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you later? Btw, I never caught your name.

From BirdTomato:
It's Oliver. See you later! Bye

Piko didn't reply after that, so Oliver slowly closed the laptop's lid and stared up at the ceiling. The butterflies in his stomach wanted to explode, giving him a giddy feeling. He turned around in his spinny chair, viewing his room to clear his mind of the slightly fuzzy emotions.

Wait, what was he doing? Butterflies in his stomach, nervous feelings, trembling fingers... What?

Oliver shook his head furiously, rubbing his eyes. He was probably just tired from walking around a lot. The whole morning he had felt courageous enough to take over the world! So why was he just siting in his room, feeling so weird about just texting someone.

It couldn't be- no. It wasn't that. It couldn't ever be that. But just to make sure... Oliver picked up his phone and dialled his older sister, Luka (well, they weren't blood related but she acted like an older sister to him).

After a few minutes of waiting for the Luka to pick up, there was the sound of the line cracking.

"Hello?" A female voice asked.
"Luka!" Oliver exclaimed, "I need some help."
"Sure, with what? Wait you aren't getting me to do your homework, are you? THAT STUFF IS REALLY IMPORTANT-"
"No!" He yelled over Luka's rambling, "I need advise. O-On love."
Luka fell silent, processing was Oliver was saying, "Love?" She gasped, "Does Oli have a crush?!"
"No! No! But, I might. That's what I want to find out." Oliver, again, cringed at his decision to talk to Luka about this.
"Yes! I knew one day you would come asking for assistance from Luka Onee-chan!" She exclaimed, probably throwing her arms up in achievement on the other side of the line.
Oliver sighed, "So, how do I know if I have a crush?"
"Well," she thought a bit, "you feel nervous around them, you probably won't know how to talk... You can't stop picturing their face, how perfect they are..." Luka trailed off, most likely thinking of the person she fancies.

"Oh..." Oliver went silent. He might have a crush... On Piko? But they had just met! But-
"What if you only just met them and it might be just social awkwardness?"
Luka sighed, "It might, but if you feel it. If you think you're in love, then you probably are. Even if you just met, it's love at first sight!"

Oliver blushed, knowing what Luka would ask next.
"So, who are they?" She questioned.
He felt his mouth go dry, "I met them this morning, about four hours ago, at a convention. They were acting really shy when we met, but that might be general shyness..."
"Oliver, I think you like them." Luka declared, "You're showing all the traits of someone who is in love."
"Y-yeah but he-"
Oliver fell as silent as a rock, face draining from colour as he listened to Luka giggle and fangirl.

"Oli's in love with a guy! That's so cute!" She squealed, laughing so loud Oliver was surprised the rest of Crypton (the five others she lived with) hadn't come to see what was happening.

Oliver's face went red, and he stared at the ground in embarrassment. "So, am I in love with him?"


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