the tragic tale of Dekota McGarthy

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My life...let's just say, didn't get off to a great start, My father was a Drug dealer, My mother an alchoholic, From the age of  12 (2009), the year my Granda (who had practically raised me himself) tragicly passed away, my whole world shattered into a million pieces, after that, i suppose my life took a turn for the worst... Drinking, smoking, shop lifting, i think the main reason was my "friends" after my granda passed away, i didn't really care about anything anymore, or anyone. I was bullied at school, called an emo and asked have i ever cut my self, constantly, up until the end of 3rd year i never had...

heres the story of why....

*2011 three weeks before*

A dim light shone through my bedroom window, i streched and sat up, i rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sighed, looking around me, i wondered if my life would ever get better, my messily painted purple walls, were the only decoration in my room, and that was done before we moved in 5 years ago, i had no carpecting or flooring, just the dirty looking floorboards that are ment to be underneath a rug, the ceiling was yellowing from smoke and age, there was damp patches all over, the curtains we a thin netting material, ancient and also yellowing, our crappy 2 bedroom council flat wasn't doing anything to help my mood i got up and walked tierdly to the bathroom, i looked in the mirror hanging over the sing, my black hair hung in rats tails, i had dark smudges underneath my eyes from dark eye make up and mascara, i smelt like WKD and mad dog, that was one of the good things about living in glasgow, even thoughi was only 14 it was soooo easy to get hold of drink, the nights out with the palls were fun it was the woozy annoying head aches that were not worth it at all, after 10 minutes of trying to brush out my dreadlocks i setteled on taking a shower, 20 minutes later after getting dressed i head down the stairs for cereal, on my way past i caught a glimpse of my mum, passed out on the couch clutching a bottle of lambuhrini in one hand and an unlight cigarette in the other, shaking my head i carried on walking, obviously i loved my mother, i just wished she'd chosen a better path for herself..and for me, a few moments later the door when, we weren't expecting mail?... cautiously i headed to answer the door, peeking through the spy hole i saw a woman, middle aged wearing a white shirt blazer and black skirt, i opened the door, keeping the chain on, just incase

"can i help you?" i asked, i looked the woman up and down, and rolled my eyes, in an effort to make her feel unwelcome and say she'll come back later, she took no notice of me

" are you Dakota Mcgarthy?" she asked, looking down at her clipboard through smart looking black glasses. i nodded and curiously tried to peek at her clipboard, she looked up and caught sight of me, slamming her clipboard against her chest she snapped

"Please start getting you things ready. your coming with me."

"No. who the hell are you! you could be a peadofile for all i know" she showed me an professional looking card with her name and number on it, she said she worked for social work, she was here to take me to a child home somewhere but she couldnt tell me where, incase i told my mum.

"well do i get a chance to say goodbye to my mum?" i asked, asorry look shot acoss her face, she took her glasses of and looked at me throuh what seemed to be teary eyes...

"Dakota.." she said apologeticly "it was your mother who called us, i suppose she thought it in your best interest..." my mind went blac, until i came to an extremely sudden desision, if my mum doesnt want me...

"i'l go pack." i said, unthinkingly slamming the door in her face, i ran up stairs, i pulled the hold-all, the only one we had from the hall closet, and packed it with the clothes i had, which to be honest wasn't much, i packed a pickture of my mum and dad, i also packed my hidden stash, £20 hidden under a oose floorboard, it wasnt much but the way things were going i thought it might save my life one day, i clambered noisily down the stairs trying to manage the bag and myself, i dropped the bag by the door, slowly and silently i headed to the living room and walked over to my mother, i lent down beside her, i looked at her sallow sleeping face and prayed with all my heart that she'd turn her life around for the better, a single tear trikeled down my cheek, i brushed her hair from her face an gently kissed her forehead. then whispered in her ear.

"i love you mum"

then i reluctantly stood up, and walked out...

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