part 4 - meeting amy

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eventually i was shown to my new doorm, i walked into the large communal bedroom which contained 5 beds 5 drawers, with only 2 of the beds taken, i wondered idoly who owned the bags, the secritary surried out of the room the second i had settled my bag down, i took the bed furthest from the door and closest to the window, as i started unpacking my bag, i let a tear slid down my cheek, i started to realise how much i was going to miss home, mum, dad, school (weirdly). i sighed dejectedly a flung the doors of my small wardrobe open only to find two discusting outfits, school outfits, i looked at them horrifyed at thye thought of actually wearing a blue tartan skirt pink blouse grey jumped and black clogs, just then, i heard a squeal coming from behind me, i piveted around in time to see a girl in the horrific uniform jumping up and down and clapping her hands, she jumped towards me and tried to fling her arms around my neck, i shoved her away haistily.

"hey!" i said half angry half confused "ever heard of personal space?!" the girl looked down sheepishly and twiddled her thumbs, her medium length brown hair curtained her thin pale face, eventually she looked back up at me through big brown eyes sheltered by a thick row of long black lashes, she wasn't wearing much make-up except a little slick black eye mascara a nude pink lip gloss

"Sorry, i didn't think... I'm your next bed neighbour" she giggled i sighed and rolled my eyes, i stuck out my hand infront of her, she shook it firmly

"Dekota" i confirmed

"Amy" she smiled, i got to talking with Amy, she was from glasgow too. not too far from me, she live maybe 3? miles away from me. She didn't have the best life either, to be honest she had much worse than me... her family were fairly poor but were able to provide for her, so i guess that part was okay, until she was 7, their had been rumours of a peadofile living around the area, Amy was out with her friends playing ding dong ditch, they got to the house with the rumoured persons in it, this, was the most exciting of all, they all tip toed up to the door, she was the only one brave enough to chap it... the door swung open before her hand even reached the letter box, her friends jumped and ran away intime, but the man grabbed her and her best friend Rocky by the hoods of their jackets, Amy felt like she needed to save her friend and bit the mans hand until he yelled out in pain and let go, his hand snapped to Amy's face and knocked her out cold, but not before she gladly got to see her friend get away, Amy was abducted that night, the man left the city with her, and traveled across the contry with her, Amy went through over 7 years of abuse, emotional physical or ...other, i don't know, and i really didn't want to intrued on painful personal memorys, when Amy was 14 managed to escape his evil grasps, she traveled alone and broke for 2 months searching for her family, she finally got back to glasgow and found her old home, only to find her parents own tragic story, after almost a year of Amy being missing, her mother broken heart was too much to bear and she slit her own wrists, her father was left with Amys younger twin brothers Ben and Brock and her sister Amia who was too young to remember her, he was a single parent, he was later fired from his job, her father was under too much stress to cope and died of a heart attack 2 years after her mother passed away, her brothers are still in care, her sister was adopted at 5 years old, sadly she couldn't find her brothers excatly and she wasnt alloud to see her sister although they send the pictures. i vowed i'd find her brothers, someway or another. or i'd try to at the very least....

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