Nu. 1

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Disclaimer: Again, Seriously!. jeez how many times do i have to say it? Fine nothiing is mine. 


I was laying on bed minding my own business on my computer when my bedroom door opened and Akira walked in and sat in front of me. "Sure, just waltz right in. don't knock or anything." I grumbled closing my laptop. I looked Akira straight in the eyes, he did the same and we ended up in a staring contest. Akira's eyes started to water and he caved closing his eyes. I blinked hard for the next minutes so my eyes recovered.

"Dude you are so lucky you get home schooled." Akira whined.

"Why Akira?"

"Because Taka you don't have to deal with the mother fucking idiots and not to mention the teachers they're bloody idiots." I giggled at his dramatization of school.

"Being taught by your mother is just as bad if you weren't a family friend I wouldn't have friends and I would be all alone with no social skills."

"I suppose so, good thing you met me at the family/friend gathering years ago."

"Mm, ne do you remember that time I threw a water balloon at you and you looked like a drowned bird." I laughed. Aki glared at me. "Also it wasn't meant to hit you"

"Really? Than who?"

"My brother" he laughed,

"I can see why"

"Mm yeah my brother is a total dick and you have him for a teacher ahahah." Akira hit my shoulder and told

"You don't have to rub it in"

"Yeah I do"

"Well how would you like it if he was your teacher?"

"I'd find ways to annoy him." I shrugged.

"That's not what I asked but of course you would"

"Be more specific next time." I hit him across the back of the head.

"Itai" he said rubbing his head. Our stomachs rumbled. Getting up we walked to the kitchen to grab some snack food, I looked into the fridge to find left over Origini that my mother made last night, I pulled it out and handed one to Akira as my father walked in.

"Welcome home father." I said.

"Thank you, Takanori." He said taking the other Origini. We ate the rice balls in silence until mother got home from work.

"Hey, mum can Akira stay for dinner?"

"Yes of course Taka." She answered. "Thanks" I giggled happily. Dinner came and went, I closed the door behind Akira, sending him home. I walked back into the living room to find my parents wanting to say something,

"What is it?"

"Takanori your father and I have been talking and we think it is about time for you to go to school and the school we picked out is the same one Akira goes to so you have a friend."

"But what if I don't want to go to school, what then?"

"Takanori it is time for you, your mother can't keep teaching you and you need more friends than just Akira" father stated.

"Fine I'll humour you and I'll go to the school."

"Good, you start tomorrow and your uniform is in your closet." Mother announced. I got up and left the room, walking into my bedroom falling into my bed and falling asleep. The morning came way too quickly for my liking I refused to move from my bed, rolling over and going back to sleep. In my almost asleep state I somehow heard mother walk into my room, pulling my quilt off the cold air stung my half naked body, shivers ran across my skin like little ants.

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