Nu. 2

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Disclaimer: I'm doing this for every single one. Go see the first chapter.


I woke to a warm room and soft sheets, looking around I saw a normal teenage room with a desk dresser etc. The thing that caught my eye the most was the guitar sitting in the corner and from then on I wondered whose room I was actually in. I tried to sit up but it hurt my ribs, looking down I noticed that said person who saved me had fixed and wrapped all my wounds. I slowly lifted my arm to check if my head was wrapped, my fingertips felt a bandage I breathed a sigh of relief, falling back into the pillow closing my eyes.

I heard the door open, cracking an eye open I see Uruha. I opened both and stared at him, why would he save me? I thought. "How are you feeling Ruki?" Uruha asked, "Sore" I replied. He nodded and moved to the adjoining room which I guess is a bathroom, he came back with a bowl of water, some new bandages and a towel. He helped me to sit up and started to change my bandages.

"What happened? When I got there you were unconscious and bloody." I looked down as Uruha asked why and hissed at a sore spot.

"Will you tell Reita?" he nodded. "Please don't tell him, he'll just go beat up the guy."

"Ruki he needs to know"

"Mm, if so I'll tell him in due time." He nodded.

"Will you tell me now?"

"I suppose so." Silence surrounded both of us as Uruha waited for me to start explaining.

"It started as I was walking home, some guys must have been following as I heard footsteps behind. One grabbed hold of me and pulled me into the alley. –I let out a breath before continuing. – The person who pulled me in started to beat me up and saying things, he then threw me in the wall. After he let his friends have a go with me, beating me up even more. And that is when you found me." I looked up at Uruha only to find him deep in thought.

"What did he look like?" Uruha asked, I shrugged. "I can't remember."

"Okay, then what did he say?" I looked the other way and shrugged. "You don't have to tell me right now, but it would be better if you did." Uruha said while finishing wrapping my bandages around my wounds.

"Get some rest." I nodded as Uruha left, closing my eyes. I woke a few hours later, I could move a little better. Uruha was working at his desk, I turned to him and asked. "You play guitar?" he looked over at me and then back to the guitar and nodded. I turned my head down,

"I should go home." I whispered, looking at the time.

"You are not going alone I'll take you." I couldn't protest as he pulled me from his room, grabbing my bag and put my shoes on my feet in a matter of a few minutes. He then put his shoes on and walked out the door. The walk home was awkward with too much silent, Uruha and I said absolutely nothing to each other only when Uruha asks a question on where I live. Arriving at my house I turned to Uruha,

"Thank you for saving me." I bowed, he nodded.

"Just tell Reita." He said and walked away. I turned back to my house and breathed in, opening the front door as quietly as I could not wanting alert my parents. I quietly tip toed to my bedroom, down the hallway I found my door open which is unusual. Creeping forward I arrived at my door, poking my head through I found Akira sleeping on my bed. Slowly creeping over I leant down as best as I could admiring his sleeping face, he looks like a child with no worries when he is sleeping. So tranquil and adorable. So kawaii. Stop right there Ruki he is your best friend, you can't have those type of feelings for him. I looked back at him, if he wakes up I'm going to have to explain why which is not something I want. I don't want Akira to worry about me.

I froze at Akira moving, hoping he wouldn't wake up. His eyes fluttered open, I held my breath. Akira's eyes widened at the sight of me, I hung my head in shame. "Taka what happened?" he said worriedly I shook my head, he knelt in front of me.

"Look at me." I looked at him, he softly pulled me into a hug I returned the hug and started crying. I sobbed in his arms for a good hour before calming down, he moved and sat next to me but still had his arm around me.

"Will you tell me what happened?" I nodded at him.

"I was walking home when someone was following me and pulled me into the alley way, you know the one I'm talking about anyway at first it was just the one that pulled me in that bashed me up but the others part of his gang started bashing me as well and I lost consciousness. When I woke up I was in Uruha's room, he wrapped my wounds and made sure I was okay and brought me here so I didn't get hurt again." Aki rubbed my arm in a comforting manner and I smiled up at him.

"Was that it? Did they threaten you?" I nodded slightly at Akira's questions. "What did they say?"

I started to choke again. I didn't want to remember what happened I just wanted to forget. "They said that I was a low life and a freak and they wondered how someone like me hangs out with you and your friends and that I should stay away from Gazetto because I don't belong." I choked, tears down my face.

"You are none of that, you are the most beautiful and one of the wonderful person I know. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Takanori. Don't ever stay away from me or my friends because if anything you do belong to my group. And I'll deal with the people who hurt you, I know who they are but I must ask how many of them were they?"

"Only three. Two with blonde hair and the other with black hair."

"Did any of them have facial piercings?"

"No" he nodded and continued to hold me. I laid my head on his shoulder and let the silence take over, humming to the rhythm of his fingers on my arm.

"Ne, Akira" "mmm"

"What were you doing in my room?"

"I was waiting for you."

"Oh okay" I looked down a little disappointed at his answer but I let it be.

"Stay over tonight."

"I will Taka."

I smiled at that and moved to the bed, Akira followed behind me. I laid down and Akira slipped in behind me and put his arm softly round my torso and together we fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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