Lunchtime madness

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"He sits at her table everyday, but stares over at us like we have something that he wants. But I kinda like it though. I like the way that he looks hungrily at us. It's so sexy. I just want to walk over there and give him a piece of me. "Karina says.
"Well you can't because it has Celeste written all over it. People need to know that he has been marked by the devils daughter. "Chelsea counters.
He stare at them for the entire lunch period. He look unfit at that table Chelsea el bad for Markise. She wanted him to be happy at the new school. She stopped him in the hallway, on the way to her last period class on the second floor of the building.
"You know that if you want to sit with us, you're welcomed anytime. We don't hold any judgement. We are always trying to make new friends. " Chelsea says reassuringly.
"Thanks for the invite. I will definitely take it into consideration. " With that he stalks off into the other direction and goes into his math class. What Chelsea didn't notice was that Celeste was watching that entire thing. She saw every small detail that happened in the conversation.
"Look little peasant girl, Markise is mine. I don't want to ever see you with him again. He doesn't want you ok. "
"Look I don't want any problem drama queen, all I want is to make a new friend. That's all I was trying to do."

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