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I close my eyes tightly, and shut my bedroom door. I wish i could block the scenes from my mind I just witnessed, of the sounds going on just outside my door.  I hear the soft voice of my loving and caring mother, verses the shouts of an abusive father. It pains me that she won't let me help her.

My family is fallen apart and I don't know what to do anymore. My father started drinking, and things got bad at home. I had to get a job, and well with two jobs supporting us on my own, I have no time for school.  I dropped out two years ago. I'm 18 now. I could leave if I wanted to, but he won't let me, and I couldn't just leave my mom.

I hear footsteps comming closer to my door, I scramble away to the corner of my room as fast as possible. But not fast enough, I feel a boot come down on the middle of my back. I slam to the cold hard floor, I stay still and don't move a muscle.

It doesn't help.

He bends down and grabs a chunk of my long red hair and yanks me up to a standing position in just one tug. I cringe at the pain emiting from my scalp, I feel the splitting head ache comming already.

"So the little slut forgot to get me a case a bud light eh? Thinks it's okay to get this shit here!" He shouts in my ear, holding up a can of Budweiser. I didn't get the wrong beer on purpose. I have a good friend,who knows that I have to get beer for my father, so I give him the money and he gets it. Well the last store open tonight was out of bud light.

This is my punishment.

I know my mom tried to stop him, I can see the split lip and bruising eye. I try to apologize to her through eye contact  as much as possible though she just looks away.

I feel a stinging sensation across my left cheek as my face flies to the right. I come back to my senses, and look up and the intimidating man above me.

"I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION WHORE!" He screams at me. I guess I was to caught in my thoughts I missed it.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry sir I-I-" I'm cut short when I'm thrown to the ground a feel a kick come to my side. I groan in pain and hold my side. He kicks me again.

I don't know how much time passes before he finally leaves, satisfied with my beating. I thought I heard a faint knock at the front door, I can't remember though I'm in too much pain to think straight.

I lie on the floor not moving. I cry silently knowing if he hears he'll come back.

I feel the pain dull or maybe it's me getting used to the throbbing. I still don't move but lay in the floor thinking about what I'm going to do. I can't leave, not with my mother here, she's not going to leave him though. So leaving isn't an option and that doesn't leave much else. I just don't know what happened so wrong that made my dad this way.

I hear more foot steps coming my way. I hear and unfamiliar voice. It's very deep and rough. It's very formal but I can tell this man holds power. I close my eyes just as my door slams open. I hear sets of feet walking around. I feel a presence near me and, it's electrical.

I keep still and feel someone bend down close to me, they move my hair from my face.

"What is this? What the fuck happened? Busted lip , black eye, bruises! Johnothan I told you I wanted her unharmed, untouched!" The man shouts at my dad.

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