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I wake up in a large room on a big bed I lift my head to look around and see white furniture surrounding me. There are two dressers, one of which acts also as a vanity, and in the corner is a live fireplace with two large lounge seats facing it and a book self filled to the brim with books of all different genres. There are two doors side by side both open one I see leads to a, from what I can see, quite large closet, and the other to an equally large bathroom. I look down at the bed I'm lying on feather pillows and comforters fill the bed.
Where am I? Just as I am about to get out of bed and explore someone opens the door. In walks the very man I seen at my house, Mr. dark and dangerous.
Wait, that means they found me. Uh oh. I look down at my hands as he comes closer. I can feel his eyes burning a hole in me, I gather the courage to look up at him, and he is looking at me with a cool expression but I see anger in his eyes.

"Did you honestly thing I wouldn't find you? That I didn't have someone to stay and follow you?" He stares at me with stone cold eyes, scrutinizing my every move.

"In the back of my mind I knew you would probably find me. I just wanted to delay it a little longer than three days."

"I see." He sighs. "Well I'm leaving for around a week to do some business, you can use that time to come to terms with things we will go in more depth about things when I return. In the meantime you will remain here at the estate if it's necessary you leave me bodyguards will be at your side at all times."  I sat for a few seconds in silence.

"Where are we?" I whisper mostly to my self.

"We are at my estate in Colorado, we will remain here until I am ready leave. You may roam the grounds freely but I warn you if you try to escape, you will be caught, and you will be punished."

He locks his electric blue eyes on me and it's almost as if I can feel it coursing through my body. I don't like the effect he has on my body, he forces me into submission without even touching me. I hold his gaze until I no longer can stand it and I sever the connection and look around the room taking in my surroundings again trying to distract myself the steel gaze he still has on me.

He clears his throat suddenly and I look back at him waiting for words to follow the interruption of the silence. Yet he says nothing just stares at me again almost as if he enjoyed looking at me, but I know that isn't true who enjoys looking and girl who's beaten and broken.

Finally he spoke, "Its around 7:30 and breakfast will be served 8:00. I'll have someone escort you to the dining room, in the meantime I'll let you get get dressed the closet is fully stocked with clothes and any other necessities you might have need of." He turn around to walk out the door, but with hand on the handle he pauses. "If you look in the top drawer of the nightstand beside you you will find a black credit card, it is unlimited, but keep in mind I'll see all purchases made. If I deem you irresponsible with it, I will confiscate it and you will be punished. Do you understand the terms I have laid out?" He raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow expecting an answer.

"Yes i understand." I whisper. He nods curtly and retreats out the door closing it tightly. I slowly pull the covers back and find someone dressed me in a black silk night gown, was it him? Has he seen me naked? The thought makes me feels violated so I chose not to think about it. I climb out of bed and head towards the closet. I gasp when I see the fully loaded closet, there is a wall for shoes of all kind. I see long boots to booties, sandals, tennis shoes, high heels. I look and the wall to my right and find dressy shirts and dresses. The left wall holds all the pants from formal to causal jeans and skirts. I don't really see any everyday type clothes so I walk out and check the dressers I seen in bedroom earlier. I open the drawers to one of them and find tee shirts. I grab a plain black one and and I grab some, unfortunately, lacy black underwear set. Lacy and revealing is the only type i see in the drawer. I grab a pair of dark skinny jeans from the closet and head into the bathroom. I assess my appearance in the mirror, I definitely look like I need a shower.

I turn around and turn the water to hit with only a splash of cold and in no time the bathroom is steamed and I strip and step under the faucet. I let the scalding water run over my back and body and rinse away all of my worries if only temporarily.

After I am dried and dressed again I step out just as someone knocks on the door. On the way to the door I throw my wait length red hair into a messy bun sitting atop my head. I open the door to a a girl who looks to be about my age, she beams a 100 mega watt smile at me, while I mange a small one in return.

"Hi Alaska! My name is Winter. I work here as maid, but I can tell we'll be great friends. Did you find all your clothes okay?" She focus her wide green eyes on me as she twist a piece of her long platinum hair and bites her lip. She looks like she's waiting impatiently for my answer.

"Yes, I di-" I'm cut off when I hear a voice scold winter.

"Winter, don't inundate the poor girl! She only just got here." An older woman walks up wearing a white apron around her. She wipes her hand on it before putting it out to greet me.

"Hello dear, my name is Margret, but everyone calls me Margie." She offers me a kind smile as I shake her hand tentatively. I look at the woman closer and notice her hair is in a Mrs. Clause type bun on top her head. I can see grating streaks through her hair but it's still noticeable she's a brunette.

"Come now dear Winter here will escort you to the dining room." She smiles and skirts around around winter. To continue down the hallway. Winter take me by the hand and without further conversations walks me down the hallway, in direction of the dining room I assume.

This seems like it's going to take some adjustment before I get used to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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