Forgive & Forget

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People can struggle to forgive. Forgiveness isn't easy

Forgiving and forgetting are different, you can't mistake one for another. But it is possible to do both.

There is an order though, if you forget first it'll be hard to forgive. To forgive does not mean you agree or condone what they've done. It means you are willing to look past it. Or if you're religious some believe it is to leave it with God. But it does mean you have to leave it behind, don't bring it up in the future. If you are religious you know it's not your place to stay angry at another, you have your own faults, how can you judge?

Forgiveness can save a friend/relationship. Not forgiving can break and damage one. It should be the hero of the situation. Not the opposite; it shouldn't be the reason for friction. Not forgiving is holding a grudge. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

You pretend you are dandy but your facade says otherwise. And sooner or later your facade crumbles and breaks and not forgiving resulted in hurting/breaking yourself in the end. But not only did you break yourself but you broke the person you cared for.

You can only develop lack of forgiveness if the person hurt you dearly. If you cannot forgive the person it shows how much you cared, all you relation/friend ship was. You forgive when someone hurts you. Only people who are close to you can truly hurt you. However by not forgiving, you throw your friend/relationship away. As if it were nothing but at the same time it's killing you.

Is it not?

Slowly but surely it kills you, eats away at you. Until you reach your limit once again and either forgive or runaway. Forgiveness must always be a one way road. Don't try and create a short cut; unless you know where you are going...

It takes a strong person to forget, and an even stronger person to forgive

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