I am Lexi

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A/N: This is starting out in past tense and morphing into present tense because this whole story is a flashback.

Lexi's Pov:

It all started during my freshmen year of high school. I was so incredibly happy to leave my junior high days behind me. Thank God, I'd never have to see those lowlifes from my old school again. They were all so basic, with their stupid slang and 'I don't give a crap about anyone but myself' attitudes. It disgusted me. They acted as if school was going to last forever and they didn't have a future to plan out for themselves.

Newsflash, life is not about who knows your name. It's about why they know your name.

I know, I'm a genius.

"Devin, wait!" I called for one of my closest friends when I caught a glimpse of the back of his head in the crowded hallway.

By some miracle, he heard me and turned around. I waved for him to stop so I could catch up.

"Hey, how's your first week going?" he said, once I was within hearing range.

It had been three days since we started at Pacific Coast High and so far I'd been called a 'Freshie' by several of the upperclassmen, missed the bus ride to school, and gotten practically interogated by my parents about boys that I would rather stick pins in my eyes than talk to.

"Great," I told Devin, hoping he noticed the sarcasm behind my answer.

He didn't.

"Great, well-"

"Ohmigosh, Devin?! I haven't seen you all summer! Come here!" this annoying bitch interrupted him.

Ugh, Trina.

Out of all the highschools in California, she just had to get accepted into mine. Trina spent the entire eighth grade hogging one of the only people I didn't want to slap in the face, so that all I had was Mandy. Which would've been okay, if I'd had at least one class with her!

Then Trina had the nerve to say (behind my back, might I add) that I was a rude bitch.

And the award for the most hypocritical asshat goes to...

"Hi there, Trina." I gritted my teeth, giving her a smile that I knew didn't reach my eyes at all.

"Lexi."she nodded dismissively.

Still a bitch, I see. That's cool.

Why did Devin have to be so damn blind? His taste in friends was awful.

'I swear your confidence level varies from Beyoncé's Sasha Fierce persona to a Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.' Devin's words from ages ago replayed in my mind, making me smile.

He couldn't have been more right.

I tuned out Devin and Trina babbling about their summers until the bell rang.

Time for homeroom.

The only people I recognized on the first day were Olivia, Rochelle, and Dario.

"Hi, Lexi." Olivia had smiled when I'd taken the seat in front of her.

We were on the same bus together towards the end of eighth grade. I'd hated her too until I'd gotten to know her. On top of the fact that one of our teachers always picked her to read aloud in class, there'd been alot of rumors going around about each of us saying certain things about the other. We should've known better than to believe one word that came from those losers. They just wanted to start drama.

"Bye Devin, I'll see you around." I said to him before walking upstairs to second floor.

Dodging nearly five rude upperclassmen before I got to the room number on my schedule, I walked through the door, returned Olivia 's greeting smile, and took my usual seat in the first row. The day was heading in the same direction as the two before it, except...now the seat next to me had someone in it. A very attractive someone with dark brown bedhair that looked kind of soft to the touch, now that I mention it.

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