Being Watched...

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Xxxxxxx Oli's POV XXXxxxxxx

As an hour dragged by i was paying close attention to the satnav that was sticking to the window telling me where to go.

*take the next exit the turn right then you have reached your destination*

i looked at my seroundings and was getting quite creeped uout by where we had driven to,i was driving through old creepy looking woods with birds in the trees making different types of noises ,across from the road we where driving on there was a river with an old small looking shed across from us.*i wonder if someone lives there* is what i was thinking.

I was paying attention to the satnav when i took the next right and there was a long foot path with an old looking house infron of us first thing that came to my mind.

* there was no freaking way that i was staying here for the weekend *

the house was wooden with an old porch infront it had eight windows and one old looking door,there was weeds growing through the porch which was wood and it stank.

i stoped the car with a hult then looked at chris who was sleeping the dick head.

*HEY* i said which caused everyone to wake up. "what??" said chris glaring at me.

"is THIS the luxury place your grandparents left to you???"i was fuming but chris had a smile on his face."yeah it's cool right?" 

everyone in the car looked at chris in shock.

"chris...dude ....are you serious?" said andy struggling to make the words come out.but chris was still smilling with joy "yes it's a bit older than what i remembe-"

" a BIT older thank what you remember,chris this place looks like where the dude from friday the 13th holds gatherings"i said with shock in my tone.

"oh come off it it's fine whats wrong with it,it looks better on the inside trust me"said chris still fully motivated.i could kill him.

we got out of the car and chris ran upfront to get to the front door.neither me ,Andy ,charlie or kaz was as exited as he was.

chris opened the door and dissapeard inside of the house once we had all pilled inside i had to admit it was not as bad.

the place was furnished and was quite modern there was to my surprise a tv and the kitchen had plates,cups ,pots mostly all the things you will need.We checked out the bedrooms and i bagged the biggest one with the bathroom in it but charlie and kaz kind of said they needed the bathroom more since they where girls so i had to make do with the one on the floor above.

as we got all of out things inside i went back out to get my phone and got a strange feeling.......i got the feeling like we where being watched by someone i looked about the dead forrest and tried to shake it off.

"C'MON OLY HURRY UP WE NEED HELP IN HERE"shouted andy at me from the front door i shook off the feeling and ran inside but as soon as i got to the door something made me spin round .

*i could swear i could see someone in the bushes up ahead like a manly figure* my heart began pounding.

"OLY!!!!!NOW" shouted charlie i went back inside closed the door but i was not going to drop the situation at all something was going down here and i had to find out what.

i walked up to chris and asked him "hey look does anyone else live here"

chris shook his head "no of course not this place is literally empty my grandparents where the only remaining people tht lived here and sonce they died no one botherd coming here"

this made my heard pound was i imagining it?was i over reacting?

i guess i would have to find out myself.

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