Help From a King

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The office was buzzing with movement as people were scattering papers everywhere and sketching ideas on papers. A certain man name Mark Tuan was working diligently on his assignment for the past few hours until his boss came to him. "Mark dear?" She called looking at the young man. His brown hair was always in the same messy but neat hairdo that made him look younger then he actually is. Once he was once with the last detail he placed his pencil down to look up at her "yes ma'am?" He sat up straight fixing the crinkles in his clothes and smiling; she giggle softly at the cute behavior and her wrinkles crinkled up before she told him to news "well I was wondering if you could go the fashion show tonight in my place, I have to go to Paris for a bit and I won't be able to make it". He was shaking with joy but had to keep formal and official at work, everyone in the office saw him as the very silent type but of course he was pretty childish out of work. He sorted himself out before "of course ma'am are there any attire requirements?" She nodded "umm yes just dress up in a formal attire, just tell them your name to I already informed them that you will be attending". Mark replied "yes ma'am, is that all?" She then thought about something else before mentioning "oh yes, I've received a call from the company you would like to work with, sorry dear they still declined you from working with them. But don't give up! I know you'll get in one day!" she cheered but Mark couldn't ignore the little sadness he felt.

"'s ok I'll try harder" Mark said and bowed she nodded and walked away.Mark plopped on the chair and sighed, he always wanted to work for the company he admired which was J.Y.P but getting hired from them was a long shot, his pay wasn't good at this small rookie company but for now it will have to do. But his dream was to make his mark on the world, the models at JYP were no joke, they appeared on millions of magazines just the thought of his clothing going viral was just enough to boost his confidence again. He finished up his last assignment before he started to pack up his belongings since he was heading out soon. "Ok I better get ready for the show" he carried his satchel walking to the nearest bus stop since his roommate II Sung was borrowing his car. When he arrived at the bus stop he saw a strange man who was dressed in all black he wore a dust mask,sunglasses, and a snap back on. Kinda feeling a bit worrisome about the man Mark still gave him an awkward smiled before sitting down on the bench, hoping that eased tension. Mark crossed his legs waiting, until he felt the guy next to him tap his shoulder "um can I help you?" Mark asked the stranger who slid his mask down to reveal his flushed lips "do you know the shortest way to get to Dongdaeman Design Plaza? Im running a bit late and my car just broke down randomly" He asked before he showed Mark the map on his phone "uhh yeah if you take this road you can avoid traffic and arrive there in twenty minutes. You're riding the bus then?" the stranger took off his shades to look at his phone, squinting at it for a bit "Nah I'm walking there. I wanna get some exercise out of this" the stranger said to himself before noticing the man staring at him.Mark's mouth gaped open when he reconized the man "hm?" the strangered hummed and looked back at him "Jackson Wang?" Mark said unsure but he knew for sure it was him.

"The one and only" he took off his snap back to fix his hair "ah you are one of my favorite models, I want to work at JYP to...but I guess I'm not good enough. Oh sorry where is my manners, I'm Mark Tuan and I work at Embrace studios as a fashion designer" he gave Jackson a business card,Jackson took it from the other and read the card "thanks, and what they haven't hired you yet?! Well JYP is a bit picky, but keep trying, Fighting! So wait if you're a fashion designer then that means you are going to the fashion show to?" Jackson asked with a charming smile, Mark smiled instantly at the bright grin "oh I'm just going in the place of my boss who's leaving for Paris" He stopped himself when he noticed a bus approaching "oh looks like the bus is here, it was nice meeting you" Mark said quickly and bowed slightly as Jackson bowed too. The bus pulled up in front of them "see you later then" Jackson waved when Mark got on the bus "bye" Mark said waving back watching the bus door close in front of him. He paid the bus fee and took a spot near the front,checking his phone to see if some new feed was on his Twitter but decided to check them later. He then opened his satchel and brought out a magazine to past the time. His fingers slip passed the pages until he saw Jackson modeling for some popular trends. He read the interview log that seemed very long, seeing that Jackson mentioned in the interview that he had self doubt in himself "why would a guy like him doubt himself?" He muttered flipping through the vivid pages to see Jackson and another popular model Im Jae Bum doing a photoshoot. He continued reading the interview until he looked up to see where the bus was near now, pressing the button to tell the driver to stop and hopped off the bus. He stared walking down the sidewalk until he reached the parking lot of the apartment complex. Smiling and waving at the little kids that played outside who ran around him before playing catch. Mark entered the lobby, he took the small elevator to his floor. Once the elevator open a lady entered,exiting and walked out admiring the nice plants along the railing, looking out on the city. The shining city was so different then the crowed area he lived in. "Ah-" he looked down to see he step on someone's newspaper "oops" picking it up and grabbed his to switch them. "There we go" he tucked the paper away before he reached his doorstep and pressed in the security code."II Sung?" He called out putting his shoes on the shoe rack "still not back from school I guess" slipping on his slippers and walked in. He put his things down on the kitchen table before running a hand through his hair "ok i better hurry"; he walked to to bathroom and made sure it was locked before he took off his clothes. Getting into the cold shower before he scrubbed lightly on his neck and his chest. Quickly washing his hair before getting out the shower to brush his teeth, once he was done brushing he spitted out the toothpaste he wiped his mouth and shaved dry before looking in the mirror and smiled.

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