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Jackson arrived in Hong Kong a week ago , already a week in HongKong and you could tell his HongKong side was coming out. "Jackson time to wake up" she said nudging her son softly on his bed "ok I'll get up in a bit" he mumbled. "Ok I'll be in the kitchen" she looked at her son's face that looked so pale and dead "when are you going to tell me what's wrong?" She asked watching her son turn away from her. "I'll be downstairs then..." she said before leaving her son who was wide awake from the beginning since he couldn't sleep. Mark woke up in the cold room everyday, he looked at the empty bed he was on, standing up and stumbled to the living room, he saw Yugyeom and BamBam in the living room like always "what are you guys doing here again?" He asked as they both turned towards him "oh we came to check up on you" BamBam said, putting food away in the fridge, Yugyeom nodded "any news of Jackson?" Mark asked the others who shook their heads . "Oh ..." Mark said before walking to the bathroom to wash his face "are you feeling ok?" BamBam asked seeing all the medicine and pill bottles that were scattered and empty all over the counter, Mark covered them up before nodding slowly "alright well please eat the food we prepared, but we have to go now see you later" BamBam mentioned, he gave him a worried look as Mark nodded again. "Call us if you need anything" Yugyeom said before they left. Mark looked at his swollen eyes, he took off his shirt and looked at the faded marks all over his body that remained. "When will dad be back?" Jackson asked tying his messy hair in a man bun, he sat down "hopefully soon" his mom replied from the kitchen as she started to make Xiaolongbao. Jackson smiled at the comforting sight of his mom, he watched his mom make the food reminding him he wasn't alone, but then why did he feel so empty. "Hey mom..." He said quietly suddenly remembering Mark wondering if he was ok, she looked at her son "yes dear?" She replied and looked at her darling son, he bit his lip "I don't know what to do...I don't know why I'm crying...why do I miss him so much even though it's been a week" he said with tears falling down his face, she stop what she was doing and looked at her son clearly who was crying with a smile on his face, he tried to stop his tears."Jackson..." She wiped her hands on her apron before she went to her son's side, his breathing was jagged "what happen?" She rubbed her son's side, he tried to response but ended up crying even more. She hugged her son, she tried to shush him "it's ok, you can tell me I can't stand to see my precious son like this" she whispered, Jackson rested his head on his mom "mom aren't you lonely with out dad? How do you feel" He asked his mom, she nodded her head before whispering "of course I miss him but I know he'll come back, I feel cold when he's not here but when he is here I'm so happy and full of energy" she said with tears falling on her clothes. "Are you scared of you ever hurting him?" He asked, "of course but I would never hurt him, sweatie what's wrong?" She cooed, "I've said words I regreted, the person I love is scared of me, I could never erase the sight he saw of me. I've went to far and I even promised to never hurt him, but I ended up breaking that promise" he sobbed out.

"Who did you hurt?" She asked, she didn't remember her son had a girlfriend every since he broke up with that horrible girl named Hye Su, but then again she heard her son say "him" instead of "she". "Mark...my boyfriend- I mean that's what we were suppose to be but...I don't think he'll ever date me now, now that I told him to rethink about us..." he said making his mom widen her eyes "you like a boy?" She said quiet shocked, Jackson nodded "I know you are probably disgraced by me but it's true I like a boy" he said making him hault his tears, she shook her head "Jackson I could never think or say that about you, if that's what you like I'll accept it". Mark looked at the food prepared before he dumped it away in the trash, he looked at his phone that was blown up with messages from his friends and co workers but all he wanted to talk to is Jackson. He curled up on the sofa, he stared at his background for awhile which was a photo of Jackson sleeping next to him, he took the picture secretly. He would stare at his phone until his phone would turn off automatically, he would turn it back on to look at it again. BamBam and Jin Young were talking on the roof, they saw their white breath disappear in the air before them since fall was getting chiller."How's Mark?" Jin Young asked BamBam who shook his head "he's quiet, and not just everyday quiet like he is usually, he's like dead quiet or more glue is on his lip quiet, plus he's looking pale. He's taking alot of sleeping medicing since he can't go to sleep" he replied, they sighed "any news about Jackson?" BamBam asked with a little of hope, Jin Young shook his head "nope, but I asked JYP if he called him and he said yeah but that's all he told me and I saw the car Jackson took off with but it was in the parking lot and now it's in the basement since Mark found the spare key to the car" Jin Young said as they looked out on the city. "What about Youngjae?" BamBam asked drinking his latte, Jin Young shrugged "he's alright, he's still hurt but said he's doing better now".

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