"Meow! Graystripe! Meow! Come! Meow! Here! Meow! " It was a bad day for Firestar, who was having the hiccups! He was annoyed out of his mind! Graystripe padded over to Firestar and rolled his eyes.
"What?" He asked softly, knowing that if he made a rude remark he would be kicked out of ThunderClan, for Firestar was leader!
"Go! Meow! Do! Meow! Some! Meow! Patrols! Meow! With! Meow! Snowcloud!" Firestar hiccuped his way through a sentence!
"What?" Graystripe asked, confused of what Firestar had said because of his hiccuping, "Go do meows with Snowcloud?"
"No!" Firestar covered his face with his paws in shame. "I said go do patrols with Snowcloud! Hey! The hiccups are past! " Firestar started doing a little happy dance. "Oh, right! " He stopped dancing. He was embarrassing himself.
Graystripe went out of Firestar's den and went into the Warrior den to find Snowcloud. As he can run he saw a lot of Warriors eating a fresh, newly hunted fish. They were talking and laughing and were clearly enjoying themselves.
"Snowcloud! Come here!" A small, white cat padded his way through the other Warriors and say down in front of Graystripe.
"What?" He asked, "I was enjoying the meal very much. Why did you have to disturb me?"
Once Graystripe told Snowcloud Firestar's plan, Snowcloud became very upset.
"But why? Why do the dumb clans have to fight? Can't we all just live in peace?"
Silence chilled the room. Everybody started shockingly at Snowcloud. He was turning into one of those kittypets!
"Snowcloud, I am very disappointed in you!" Graystripe said as he left the den. He muttered something mean and ran back to Firestar to report what had just happened.
"Firestar! Firestar!" Graystripe ran into Firestar's den yelling things about Snowcloud's betrayal.
"What?" Firestar asked looking up from HIS fresh fish.
"Snowcloud has betrayed us by saying the clans should be united again!" Graystripe respnded.