Chapter 1

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          The beginning (unedited)

"Guys please stop" i cry, they continue to throw punches at each other

"Stay away from her" drew roared

"Shes mine, back off" jay spat

"Fuck off shit heads, the only person she belongs to is me" Blake states, coming out of no where " leave "

"And if i don't?" drew challenges

"ill just have to make you" blake growled

"then make me" drew shot back

That's when Blake did the unimaginable

The clanking of the wheels hitting the track soothes me as the subway moves to its next destination. when we come to a stop i feel a presences beside me, looking over i see a tan muscular figure with curly brown hair staring out the window lost in his own thoughts.quickly looking away before he can notice me staring, a girl with blonde hair and a petite figure sits besides him, he smiles and wraps and arm around her shoulder, sighing to myself wishing i had that, again.

Arriving at the school shortly after the walk from the subway station, i go into the schools office to get my schedule and assigned locker number.when i walk in a short red head approached me "hi may i help you" she asks "um, yeah im new here i came to get my schedule, locker code and number" i mumble lowly running my hands through my hair " what's your name " the red head asks as she goes behind the desk " addie monroe " she nods and starts to tap away on the computer, maybe a second later the printer starts up. "here you go" she says handing me some papers.

Nodding i walk out the office to find my way around this humongous place called a high school.

After wandering around for a while and getting lost twice i finally find my locker, putting in the code and opening it i grab my books placing them inside only to get bumped into afterwards "ouch" i whine as my shoulder hits the locker. im so sorry" a deep voice says besides me "i wasn't looking" waving it off i close my locker and nods "its alright don't worry about it" looking up i smile faintly to show the guy i mean what i say , but my face drops when i see who the guy is. its the one from the subway. talking to me, my cheeks slowly start to heat up."my name jay" he introduces himself "addie, nice to meet you" smiling softly he tilts his head "i've never seen you around here before, are you new". wow i can't believe he actually noticed i feel special, "yeah i just moved from miami" i added "wow i've always wanted to go are the beaches as nice as they look on tv" he smiles brightly "yeah they ar-" i stopped as he was snatched away by the blonde that was on the train who im guessing is his girlfriend.

Walking away i start to look for my first class of the day which happens to math..."yay lucky me" i internally groan.

When i get to class the first bell rings i guess warning us we only have a few minutes until we're tardy, walking inside the class is half empty so i got my pick of seats, i decided to sit in the middle besides a blonde boy with a hoodie on, looking over to see who i am he smiles softly almost making me melt "whats up, newbie what's your name" blushing lightly i clear my throat "addie, what's your name?" mentally punching myself for sounding so lame, he chuckles "drew, where you from" biting my lip gently as i look to the door to see these two guys walking in one had Carmel skin and a strong jawline while the other was a little shorter pale with smoldering eyes, i turn away quickly as the taller guy looks at me with amused eyes.... he caught me staring  "miami, you from here?" i asked turning my attention back to drew "yeah i actually am, i could show you around one day" he offers slouching down in his chair "I'd like that" he nods "let me see your schedule" reaching into the front of my bag i pull out my schedule and places it in his hand. drew carefully looks it over before lying it on my desk "we have every class together except two" he chuckles "what two classes are those" i tilt my head slightly "english and P.E, you're in ap lit and girls P.E im in regular lit and guys P.E, we have the same time for the classes but different teachers" he explains to me before a booming voice came from the front of the class as the bell rings "Alright class today we are going to be going over our math notes from yesterday for the quiz tomorrow so grab a partner and study" looking around the class to see all the students pairing up i see jay with the blonde, and the two guys from earlier whos names are apparently Blake ( the taller guy) and Chad ( The pale one) drew touches my hand "be my partner" i nod slightly looking back at him "can i copy your notes since i wasn't here yet?" pushing his desk towards mine he places his notes in the middle "go for it newbie" he smirks jokingly "oh you jerk" i laugh grabbing my notebook.

After copying down the notes we quized each other and ended up talking about our favorite hobbies until the bell rang. we decided to walk to our next class together so i wouldn't get lost. making it to class drew sits in his seat and waves me over to sit besides him, but as i was walking towards him Blake grabed me by the arm "When you want to ditch him, im just over there" blushing i head over to drew sitting down. After a few more classes we headed to lunch. which i was greatful for because i was starving. "surprisingly the food here doesn't suck" drew said to me "before the new principle came the food use to be garbage" he chuckles lightly walking up to a small waiting line. as soon as people noticed who he was they moved out his way, walking up to the front he grabbed my hand taking me with him. "what was all of that about ?" i question "im royalty " he smirked "wow, right " i joke rolling my eyes i pick a burger and fries "where's your table?" i ask "see the guy with the blonde girl, i sit with them" looking over to see whom he was referring to. it was jay and his girlfriend....

Walking over to the table i sit besides drew quietly and check my phone for messages, opening the first message from my best friend natasha i smile softly, i miss my friends from back home

ugh i miss you so much loser-nat

i miss you too loud mouth-addie

The last message is from my ex whom i still like alot , the only reason we broke up is because of the distance. its not for me.

not the same without you adds-luke

trust me it sucks without you here-addie
Putting my phone away, i pick up my burger and take a bite before turning to see Chad and Blake standing in the corner of the cafeteria watching me.  Blake has a faint smirk playing on his lips, while Chad looks like he's reading into my soul, he scares me.

After a lunch i go to a few more classes then to my locker when the final bell rings to go home. while at my locker i grab the books i need for homework and walk out to the parking lot. "aye newbie" i hear drew's voice behind me, turning around to see what he wants he walks up to me "want a ride home" nodding thinking to myself why not? "yeah sure, where's your car?" i furrow my eyebrows curiously , making him chuckle "didn't bring my car today but i did bring my bike" (what? oh my gosh) "bike??, as in motorcycle" i kinda of squeak excitedly, motorbikes are amazing my dad has one and lets me ride it all the time. the rush of adrenaline and the wind in my hair is the best. "yeah , still want a ride?" drew chuckles "yes oh god yes" i jump up and down like a little kid. we both walk to his bike hopping on quickly and starts to zoom down the street passing through small spaces in between cars.

When we finally arrive at my house i cant help but smile with excitement."wanna come in,my dads not home yet? and we can study for that math test" i ask my new buddy hopefully. he thinks to himself for a second before climbing off his bike "sure why not" he grabs his backpack and i unlock the door walking inside, drew following not to far behind.

We both make it upstairs to my room and plop on the bed. "nice room newbie" kicking off my shoes i smile, "wait to you see it decorated and boxes aren't everywhere"

"wow you're such a nerd addie" drew chuckles making my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "shut up drew no one asked your opinion" this puts a smirk on his face "feisty.... that's sexy" rolling my eyes playfully i take the books out of my bag, as im doing so i feel drew staring a hole in the side of my head "are you okay?" i ask looking at him, he nods in response and his eyes glint with an emotion i can't quite catch

By the time my dad reached the house, Drew had been gone for almost an hour, the strangest thing happened Drew kept staring at me with this weird look in his eyes, i have no idea what i did, but i hope i can fix it, snapping out of my own thoughts i march down to the kitchen because my stomach is emptier then a gas tank that's on E. opening the fridge i hear my dads footsteps or so i thought. out of the blue i was enveloped form the back in a tight hug "guess who" the familiar voice asks playfully , racking my brain i try thinking of who it is, but nothing. slowly turning around to meet a pair of blue eyes similar to mine and a strong jawline, i jump up and down exitedly "oh my gosh i can't believe you're here"
authors note; who could this mistery person could be?

this is my first book so tell me what you think, Vote, Comment, And Stay Beautiful

The picture above or to the side is of addie

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