Chapter 2

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What A Day (unedited)

Hugging my older brother tightly i squeal "oh my gosh adian i missed you so much, how's college going? how's your girlfriend? are your professors nice? how'd you know which house was ours?" i bombard him with questions, i've missed my brother so much he's been in college for two years and this is my third time seeing him sometimes he goes to his girlfriends house for holidays hence why i don't see him much "college is great, dad texted me the address and i missed you too short stuff" he chuckles holding me in a tight hug, as he spins me around a bit "you better have and welcome home big guy " i laugh at how ridiculous i sound, my brother chuckles amused at how lame i am.

After making us some dinner my brother and I end up cuddling and watching our favorite disney movies until we both fell alseep without even noticing it.

Waking up in my bed surprises me, i remember falling alseep on the couch with adian or "was all that just a dream" i whisper to myself still half alseep. climbing out of bed i take a quick shower, straighten my hair and head to my closet, taking out a white skater skirt, a white polo, some pink rebocks and a pink cap.

Getting dress, I grab my house and car keys, i don't think the subway is for me, putting my bag into the passnger seat i start the car buckle up and lock the doors, pulling out the driveway.

Halfway to the school one of my favorite songs come on making me sing along loudly with the music blasting "Are you deranged like me, are you strange like me, lighting matches just to swallow up the flames like me, do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame like me" i nod my head as halsey continues to blare through the speakers.

Pulling up to the schools parking lot i circle around to find a spot and luckily there was one right by the front door, bringing my 2015 white mustang to a stop people look at me, and its hella weird might i add. grabbing my bag i hop out the car locking my door."nice ride" a group of boys whistle, nodding a smile pulls on my lips. walking into the school to my locker i see the red head giving me the death glare, furrowing my eyebrows slightly as she storms my way, "hey new girl, stay away from drew or i'll make your life hell, got it?" she fumes "lydia come on" a skinny blonde with brown chingy eyes says while pulling her arm gently."Chanel stay out of this" she shrugs the girl off. shifting my weight from one foot to the other, i feel a hand press against my lower back. "lydia go away, i already told you im done with your ass" a very familiar deep voice says harshly. looking behind me i see its drew. lydia rolls her eyes and storms away groaning loudly pushing people out of her way. "you alright?" drew looks down at me with gentle eyes, waving it off, i laugh a bit "i've dealt with worse then her" he smiles and we start to walk to calculus

"Alright class i hope you studied for that quiz i told you about yesterday in class" Mr.Donovan yells waking some of the weiry teens that drifted off, Then the class door burst open. Chad and Blake walk in like being late was normal or something " nice of you to join us Mr. Young and Mr.Vincent" The teacher says sarcasticlly. Chad and Blake just nodded and sat in their seats "Like i was saying i hope you guys studied" Mr. Donovan repeated
"good thing you took my phone and made me study" shaking my head in amusement i whisper "told you, you'd thank me later" Mr. Donovan walks through the rows placing a quiz on each desk "You only have 20 minutes to complete this test, so get to work" he says walking back to his desk typing something into his computer "bet five dollars he's watching porn" drew whispers over to me. covering my mouth trying to keep from laughing i nudge him "that's gross but deal" drew then gets up to 'sharpen his pencil'. he then comes back holding out a five dollar bill" he was watching football this time" i smile triumphantly taking the five from his hand "i know i can see the screen from here" i smirk winking at him before i start my test. he chuckles starting on his, or better yet, snatching my paper after i finish and copying the answers

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