Platform What???

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    Hogwarts starts in only a day!Everyone is excited,especially since we're going for our first year.Well,everyone except Ginny.She has been getting more grouchy as the day comes closer.Mum told me to pack a couple days ago,but I didn't listen.Now I see why,and I sighed really loudly.This is a job for the double duo,as they sometimes call us.I went into Fred and George's room,where you have a great view of the backyard.
"RONALD!GET IN HERE WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"I yelled out the window.He turned my way,and almost got hit by Fred's broom.
"COMING!"He yelled back.Meanwhile,I went back and sat on my bed.
Our room is a big mess.If mum came in,well,let's just say there won't be a Hogwarts for us....
There were extra Chudley Cannons posters tossed around the room that we didn't get to put up,Gedwig's cage was huddled in a corner with my Hogwarts books around it (Ron would never read them) ,my paintings were scattered all over the floor,along with my books that Dad gave me about how to shade drawings.Ron's clothes were everywhere,and our trunks were on our beds,lazily filled with meaningless things.
I started panicking.Mum was downstairs making lunch,and she would come up here to tell us it's ready and see our room,if it wasn't clean by then.
Ron walked in.
"Bloody hell!When did our room get so messy?"I almost rolled my eyes,but then I realized that at first I was oblivious to the fact that our room was a bomb war site too.
"Okay,you get the side with our beds,and I'll do the rest."I said.

    We were exhausted by the time we were done cleaning.Our trunks were packed,Gedwig's cage was cleaned out,the posters were hung,drawings neatly inside my sketchbook,and the outfits we were wearing tomorrow were layed at the foot of our beds.
    Right on time,too.As soon as we put the clothes on our beds,it was lunch time.
    "Oh,there you two are!Lunch is ready,and look at how clean your room is!I haven't seen it this clean in weeks!"Mum said,popping her head into the room.When she left,Ron and I laughed until our cheeks turned red.

    "Rose......Rose!.....ROSE!!!!"I heard someone say,and I shot up,colliding with a head.
"OWW!!!"We said in sync,and I realized it was Ron.
"What time is it?"I asked.
"Almost 9:00.Mum wants you down to breakfast."He said,rubbing his forehead.
I clumsily trudged downstairs and made my way to the table.I realized I was the last one there.I grabbed a pancake and a piece of bacon.Ron also reached for the bacon,but I slapped his hand.
"My bacon."
    He slowly backed away.
I was done eating,and Fred picked me up.I thought he was taking me back to bed,so I closed my eyes.He started chuckling so I didn't mind.What I did mind was the fact that he quickly dumped me somewhere and a stream of water flew on me.Very cold water.
"OI!FRED!"I yelled,trying to stand.If I wasn't woke before,I was now.I struggled to get up,and instead of chasing him out the bathroom soaking wet,I just went to my room and got my clothes and took a real shower.When I was done,mum put a drying spell on my hair and I let it hang loose.
I wore a plaid red shirt and some white shorts.
    "Kids,bring your trunks downstairs!"Mum said.It was around 10:30 now,and Hogwarts is getting closer.Ron and I brought our trunks downstairs,and we were going to go back up,but I heard something coming full speed,and I dived out the way just in time.Ron wasn't so lucky.He got blasted with a full trunk.I guess the twins pushed their trunks down the stairs again.
    I caught Ron before he fell to the ground.He looked dazed,and I had to hold back a laugh.Meanwhile,mum barreled upstairs,yelling at the twins.....

    We made it to Kings Cross station with time to spare.We walked along the stations,mum talking to us about what to do when the muggles are around.I only caught the end of her speech.
    "-Packed with muggles,of course!"She said.Then we stopped between two platforms.
    "Platform 9 3/4.Who's first?"Mum said.I suddenly got cold feet,and slowly shuffled to the back.Percy went through first,and then the twins.It was then that I noticed the black haired boy standing next to me,and I jumped about a foot in the air.
    "Oh my Merlin,Harry,don't scare me like that!"I said,and he chuckled."Come on!"
    "But Rose-"
    "It'll be fine!"I said,and I grabbed Ron's arm and we all ran through the wall,mum and Ginny followed.
    The train looked the same as always,but it looked...well...magical. (No phun intended) I wandered around,spotting people I knew,and saw Fred and George talking to their best friend,Lee Jordan.I put my trunk where all the other ones were,and I went back to mum and Ginny and Ron.Mum was trying to wipe something off his nose.
    "Mum....Geroff!"He said.
    "Ron....speak English!" I said in the same tone.
    "Shut up,Rose!"He said with a chuckle.Then Percy came over,with his robes on.He looked too strict and scholarly.
    I went over and ruffled his hair,and loosened his tie.Then unbuttoned his robes,and took the books out of his hands.
    "There."I said.
    "Okay,mum,I have to get going.The prefects have jobs to do."He told us,and I rolled my eyes.
    "I saw that,Rose."I smiled,and gave him a hug that he gladly returned.I remember when he first went to Hogwarts,and I cried for him to come back.I ended up stowing away on the train,and mum had to come to Hogwarts to get me.I was only like 6,so I didn't know better.
    "I'm gonna get going,too.My feet hurt,and we should really find a compartment before they all fill up."I said,and Ginny started crying.I bent down and hugged my little sister.
    "Don't worry Ginny.You'll be going to Hogwarts,too.And me and the twins will send you a toilet seat,I promise!"I said,making them go into hysterics.
    "Rosalyn Weasley!"Mum said,but she was smiling.
    "Bye,mum!"I said,running towards the train.
All of the compartments so far were full,and I bet NO ONE wants to go to where the Slytherins sit.
I opened the last compartment door.
"Hey,is anyone sitti-oh,hi Harry!Stalking my family,ey,mate?"I said,and he jumped about a foot in the air.He turned to look at me,face as red as my shirt.
"Erm...uh,hi Rosie."He said,and I sat across from him.
"Save my seat,Harry."I said.The train started to move,so I went outside along with most of the other students,waving at my family.Ginny was running after the train,waving.I finally went back to the compartment.It was really quiet until Ron came in.
"Can I sit here?Everywhe-Oh,hey Rose.I guess I can sit here then."He said chuckling.Then noticed Harry,and he tensed.
"Ron Weasley.Whats your name?"He said,narrowing his eyes.
"Harry Potter.Pleasure to meet you." Ron's eyes got really wide,and he said "Is it true?Do you really have the-the-"
I sighed.
"What my idiot brother-"
"Is trying to say,is it true that you have the scar?"I asked.He nodded his head,and lifted his bangs,revealing the reddish lightning bolt shape on his forehead.
"Wicked."Ron said,and I was thinking the same thing in my head.
"Are you two twins?"Harry asked.
"Yup."I said.We then told him things about our family,and he in turn told us about his life on Privet Drive,and the Dursleys.When he was done I wanted to hug him,his life was pretty bad compared to ours.
The compartment door slid open,and the trolley lady came.
"Anything from the trolley,dears?"She asked.I looked at Ron,and our sandwiches that mum brought.
"We're all set."Ron said glumly,and handed me my sandwich.
"We'll take the lot!"Harry popped up and said.I stared at him wide eyed as he took out a handful of galleons,and brought the whole trolley.

(Edited a/u:This story is so cringy now that I'm done and editing it all over again,oh my gosh 😬)

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