Zoey cracked open the kitchen window, letting the scent of the forest in bloom drift into the kitchen, as she swayed her hips to the beat of the music flowing through her earbuds. The noonday sun shone through the window, warming her face. The light danced across the forest leaves. Darkness dipped between tree trunks. Zoey turned her head, but froze. Something flickered in the shadows. She leaned into the window sill, pressing against the counter and inspecting the distant woods. She waited for the same glimmer of darkness, any sign of change, but there was nothing. A trick of the eye. Shaking her head, Zoey turned back to the sink, examining the pile of dishes.
Nothing was out there.
Clapping her hands, she walked over to the sink and turned on the tap. Soap bubbles rose up. Music continued to echo through the earbuds. She hummed along with the gentle beat, letting it take her far away from the hot water pruning her finger tips and soap suds tickling her nose. Her hands moved systematically through the motions of washing the dishes without thinking.
Zoey pivoted to grab a rag to dry the dishes.
In front of her, the side doors to the patio swung open with a bang. Zoey jumped back, earbuds falling out. She raised her hands, calling out to the plants and the trees. The foliage was prepared to heed any commands she had. Her gaze fell on the figure standing in the door frame, panting for air.
He couldn't have been much older than herself, at least appearance wise. His long, shaggy black hair framed his high cheek bones, accented by black facial patterns against ashen skin- two thick black lines on either side of his face. The lines drew her gaze to his golden eyes, but not before the light gleamed against his sharpened fangs. Fangs and claws.
This boy was a shadow.
Zoey commanded the potted plants next to the door to reach out and wrap around the boy's wrists and ankles. Their grip tightened, digging into the boy's skin. Zoey glared. He struggled against the plants, thrashing in adrenaline driven panic.
"Who are you?" Zoey cut through the shadow's fear. The boy stilled, sweat still dripping from his brow.
Zoey twisted the branches tighter. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"
"I'm- my name, well, uh, I-" the shadow hissed as the branches cut deeper, "My name is Shaden. Just Shaden."
"Okay, Just Shaden, are you going to answer the second half of my question?" Zoey glared.
"I am being chased," the shadow, Shaden gritted out, "I thought this place was abandoned. I thought I could hide."
Zoey stalked closer, taking in every detail. She glanced behind him, into the empty forest. "What was chasing you?"
"Shadows," Shaden replied. Zoey frowned. They were never quite sure how the spell against the Shadow Queen worked, how the damage was undone, but they knew it was a possibility that the spell hadn't vanquished all the darkened magic from the Queen's spell.
Her expression shifted to confusion. "You're one of them though."
"No. Yes. Sort of...not really?" Shaden stumbled over his own words, "I, well, I don't follow a Lord or Lady, and after the fall of the Queen, the factions have begone destroying each other. Those of us without a Lord are hunted by all. I haven't anyone to turn to."
"Why are you here? Why are you at the Ark?"
"The Ark?" Shaden hissed, raw flesh scraping against his restraints. "I thought this place was abandoned." He met her gaze, a look of recognition flooding his features. "But, you can help me."
Zoey scowled. "No, now leave." Zoey unfurled the shrubs' branches, releasing Shaden. She turned her back on the shadow. He rubbed his wrists, wincing at the sting that traveled up his arms, but he remained in the doorway.
"Please," Shaden's voice broke, "They'll kill me."
Zoey halted. Her fists curled tight, knuckles turning white. "It's better this world be done with the darkness of your kind besides; the Ark has been disbanded."
"Wait!" Shaden cried out, "I may not matter to you, but my death won't make the darkness fade any faster. Your world is falling into war between Lords and Ladies struggling to take the Queen's throne. It the Ark doesn't come back together, there will be a war."
Hands loosening, Zoey's breath hitched.
"Please," he whispered.
Zoey glanced over her shoulder, catching Shaden's gaze. His face open and earnest, Zoey couldn't shake the feeling that she had seen that expression before. It was the face Christopher had shown her, in the bottom of that murky pond. A face of fear and desperation. Zoey sighed, letting her eyes fall shut.
"I have to make a few phone calls," Zoey said, "finish drying the dishes." Zoey slipped out of the kitchen and into the hall, not bothering to make sure Shaden had listened. He would have to prove himself to the others soon enough.
"Who are you?" Christopher glared, clutching his side as he worked passed the ebbing pain. The woman continued to stare at him. At her feet laid the toppled over basket of flowers she had been collecting. "Well," the words strained against his clenched jaw. Another wave of dizziness took over. Christopher swayed with the breeze.
"Woah," the woman rushed forward, steadying Christopher, "try not to strain yourself. I can't believe my spell worked."
Christopher pulled away the woman. "You haven't answered my question."
"Right," the woman smiled, "I am Morath."
"Morath?" Christopher questioned. "Where am I?"
The woman, Morath, slid his arm over her shoulder, supporting his weight. "I have much to explain, but know you are safe."
A rush of calm washed over Christopher. For the first time since childhood, it was quiet. He let himself fall into the woman's grasp, following the cobblestone path to an old stone house. There would be a time for answers, but for now he needed rest.
Ark of the Light
Fantasy'Long ago an ancient woman of sorcery made a prophecy: 7 Angels of elements shall join in the ashes forming the ring and key to ending a princess of darkness, a shadow queen. ' That, along with a location, was the information the eight teens had re...