Six: Angel of Light

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Lexis twirled into her bedroom with an ecstatic grin. Her short brown hair bounced along with her body, soft cheeks aglow as her eyes sparkled. Her smile outshone her own bright clothing. Looking at her was like looking at the sun, too bright to fully see but too warm to leave her bright glow. Dancing into her room, she fell on top of her turquoise bedding, letting herself bounce. Head in hands, she grinned at the unusual shadow in the corner of her room. If one looked closely, it was evident that the shaded area wasn't natural. Lexis moved her dominate hand, signing "I know you're there, dork."

From the darkness, a boy appearing Lexis' age sheepishly emerged, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. He grinned, fangs peeking out, and moved to sit by Lexis. Lexis rolled over to make room for him, shifting to sit cross legged. His black hair moved with an invisible wind and his golden eyes glimmered under Lexis' lights. Where she shone with all the colors of a rainbow, he was defined by monotone colors. "How was school today," he signed.

"Oh, Shadow, you wouldn't believe it!" Lexis' hands moved in big motions; her excitement barely contained. Shadow raised a brow in response. Lexis didn't wait for any more of a reply before continuing with her story. "Josh sat next to me at lunch, we were practically holding hands and told me that he broke up with Rachel and then he asked me to the summer dance at the community hall."

Lexis let out a sigh, clasping her hands over her heart. Shadow grimaced. For the last month, Lexis had been obsessed—it wasn't so much that Shadow was jealous, he just thought the guy sounded like a dick. Still, Shadow listened as Lexis waxed poetry about Josh's perfect physique and gorgeous voice. She continued to ramble about Josh and the dance. As much as he hated the idea of her close to that leachy teen, he loved seeing the way her face lit up. Her smile was all teeth, and her eyes crinkled around the edges. After eight years of friendship, he loved that her smile never changed.

Eight years, the words stuck out in his mind. Had it really been that long? Shadow could hardly remember life before meeting Lexis, there had been hundreds of years, but they melted together, overshadowed by the fact that he had spent those centuries alone. Now, Lexis would begin growing older than him. Part of him knew it was coming. She would grow up, follow her dreams, and he would find himself alone again, but for now he enjoyed the warmth of her room, the comfortableness that settled between them.

"Of course, no one is as amazing as you!" Lexis finished her rambling, tucking herself in by Shadow's side. He laughed, hugging her back before signing.

"Thanks, you too. Have you told your parents yet?"

Lexis rolled her eyes. "Like they would even care. Dad isn't getting back for another week and mom leaves in two days for Miami for a business meeting. I'll see them less now than I did during the school year. Whatever. Not like it matters, I have you to hang out with."

"You really want me to come dress shopping with you?"

Lexis scrunched her nose. "Maybe not. How was your day?"

Shadow sighed. "The usual, I went for a walk, did some reading."

"We could go to the library this afternoon," Lexis suggested. She had been checking out books for him lately, with not much else to do during the day. He tried to fill his time with cooking, drawing, and reading, but the best parts of the day were when Lexis were home.

"Sure, then we can pick up ingredients for supper," Shadow stood, and then remembered, "Oh, a letter came through the mail slot for you today."

"The mail slot," Lexis questioned, summersaulting off of her bed. They had a post office box; it was rare for mail to come to the house.

"Yeah," Shadow shared Lexis' curiosity, "it's on the kitchen table."

Lexis beamed. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Taking his hand, she dragged him through the split-level house.

A marble topped island separated the kitchen from the dinning room. On top of the counter the letter waited still sealed. Lexis took the letter into her hands, fingers running under the seal as she opened it. Shadow moved to read over her shoulder.

Lexis Tyler,

Do not be afraid. This letter finds you well, but times are turning. The Prophecy of the All-Seeing Eye foretold your coming. Seven Angles of the Earth shall join in the ashes, forming the Ring and the Key to ending a princess of darkness, a Shadow of a Queen. These seven shall be the Ark of the Light, for it is their duty to protect the Light. As the Angel of Light, it is your duty to the Ark to serve against the darkness. If the Shadow Queen and her army prevails, surely you will face demise. Enclosed is the location of your haven. Your pet knows of what I speak. With the Ark to guide you, you shall find yourself.

Fellow Angel,


Lexis set down the letter, turning to face Shadow. Her hands slipped over his shoulder comfortably. She tilted her head. Shadow watched her lips as she spoke.

"What do they mean?"

Shadow's breath hitched. He stepped back. Turning his back on her, he paced. He had heard of the Shadow Queen, had heard whispers of the centuries of a prophecy, but this was all dangerous stuff, and if Lexis was involved, she would be in danger, and he couldn't let her get hurt, not after everything; he loved—

Lexis grabbed his hand. He froze, holding his breath. "Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is, we'll do this together."

Shadow nodded. "I don't know much. But this is dangerous stuff. Her magic, it's what changed me into this. If you really are an Angel of the Ark, you're in danger."


"The Ark is rumored to have powers, which you don't have. But, this letter—"

"They may think I have them anyways," Lexis signed slowly, "We should go." Shadow moved to argue, but Lexis stilled his hands. "We can tell my parents I'm at summer camp, as long as I call once a week, they'll hardly notice. Then, if anything, we're safe."

Safe. At the word, Shadow met Lexis' gaze. He saw the warmth in her eyes, the hope. He let himself feel that hope with her. Taking her hand, he squeezed gently. He would go anywhere to make sure she was safe.  

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