New Leaf

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"At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life." -Unknown


Chapter 11
Friday- October 3rd, 2014

It had been 3 weeks since the depressing weekend of my parents divorce. I was in a much better place and I had to give a lot of thanks to Ash for that. We had spent nearly everyday together since then and tonight was no different.

Ash was throwing another party and I was finally getting the chance to formally introduce him to Charlie and Karmika. I wasn't sure how well they would all get along, especially since I knew from personal experience that Ash was hard to warm up to. But I was hoping that it would all work out.

As I walked up the steps towards Ash's entirely too large of a home, I couldn't help but recall the fact that I had been running down these steps with my tail between my legs a month ago. It was strange how things could change so quickly, but I was grateful for this change. I don't think I'd been able to get over my breakup with Natalie and deal with my parents divorce without Ash.

I swung open the front door to a crowd of people and a roar of loud hip hop music.

Karmika whistled, "Now, this is what I call a party."

I scanned the crowed for Ash and fortunately caught his eye. He smiled and rushed over to me, "Hey!"

I smiled back, "Hey. Uh, these are my friends-" I turned back to look at them, "Karmika and Charlie."

Ash yelled over the music, "Oh hey, it's great to finally meet you guys! Riley has mentioned you a lot."

Karmika awed, "Riles, is that true? You're such a sweetie." She pinched my cheeks like an old lady would do and I slapped her hand off me.

I groaned, "Get off me, you weirdo." I believe she'd had a few too many pre-party shots.

Karmika cackled and Ash rose an eyebrow, "Riles?"

I sighed, "Yeah, it's my unfortunate nickname."

Ash chuckled, "I like it."

Charlie had been over-analyzing Ash with a critical eye this entire time, that truly made me uncomfortable. What was up with him?

Charlie finally spoke, "So, you're the guy who took all of our dear friends money, huh?"

Charlie wrapped an arm around me and gave a light laugh, but I could already tell that Charlie didn't like Ash. Perhaps that was my fault- describing Ash as a drug dealing, creeper whom took a $100 from me, may have not been the best way to talk about him. Charlie had always been a protective friend, he only wanted the best for me.

Ash gave an awkward laugh, "Yeah, that's me but in all fairness, I did try to give the money back to him."

I nodded, "You did, indeed."

Charlie questioned, "Will there be another poker game tonight?"

Ash shook his head, "Nah, no games tonight. Just drinking with some new friends." He winked, "What can I get you guys?"

Karmika spoke cheerfully, "Oooh, jäger bombs would be great!"

Ash nodded, "Alright, and what about you, Charles?"

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