Chapter 2: Intentions

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I have a quick question for you before you start reading.

Which Kuroko no Basuke member is your favorite (excluding Tatsuya)? I'm thinking of throwing a little curveball towards this story, and I'll need your help.

So if you have extra time, please answer my little question above. It'll help the story immensely.


The only contact she had with another individual were his sadistic ways playing with her fragile heart.

At the bottom of his heart, he really did love her. However, his true intentions would fail to show, and would uncontrollably start to unravel the little sanity he had left....


Morbid was the only thing that could describe that room.

The aura that it left off would give anybody the chills. From the unusually warm center to the creaky metal door that would sound like despair every time it was moved.

In the middle, was the main show... A beautiful young lady tied up from head to toe. Blindfolded and gagged, rendering her unable to talk--even better; call for help. What started off as an innocent scene took a dark twist, and the young girl in the middle was unaware of the dangers she had chosen subconsciously.

Her innocence was still present... there was life still in her eyes.

She wakes up suddenly, initially surprised at the uncomfortable position her body was forcibly put into. Her eyes open only to see complete darkness, a silky cloth brushing against her long eyelashes. She tries to move; but one inch of movement causes extreme discomfort due to her stiff muscles.

How long has she been here?

What caused this?

She starts to panic, flailing around in the chair as the tight ropes rub against her soft skin. Soon realizing that panicking won't do her any good; she settles down slightly, concentrating on producing memories of the previous events in her blank mind.

Just then-her memories return to her in the blink of an eye--and she finds herself shifting even more than before. She screams into the gag, losing all previous rationality as tears prick the corners of her eyes. Her flailing shifts the chair underneath her enough to make the stable object fall over. A hard thud accompanies the fall.

"Tatsuya..." she groans, the gag now completely removed from her mouth, and the blindfold laying on the ground beside her head. She thinks of her next move, but she has no more energy to escape, nor does she think she has the time to.

The sound of the door interrupts her thoughts. It opens creakily, an all too familiar face entering after it.

"Good morning, my love. Did you have a good nights rest?" Tatsuya asks, the dim light in the center of the room highlighting half of his face to reflect his expressions. Both loving, yet sinister at the same time. He looks down at the terrified girl laying at his feet, and his face quickly twists in a confused manner.

"Did you... try to escape me?" he asks under his breath, his voice grumbling. Not being able to hear her mumbles, he squats down to hear her more clearly.

"Tatsuya... Why are you doing this...?" Her voice is weak and timid; almost as if hiding from the dangers about to happen. She looks at him as he smiles at her sweetly-his face distorted in a creepy way.

He picks up the chair along with (f/n) with ease, not saying a single word as the two of them awkwardly stare at each other. He then brings his hand near her, gently grabbing a piece of her silky hair before bending down to inhale the scent violently. She cringes at the noise, looking away as a sick feeling takes over her body.

His head lifts to lock eyes with hers, his piercing gaze capturing her own causing her eyes to widen. "Your scent drives me crazy... It's almost as if I was made to embody your entire being (f/n)," He says, a grin plastered on his face.

"You aren't answering my question Tatsuya." She says sternly, almost as if demanding him to tell her.

Big mistake.

Raising his hand, he brings it back down quickly. (F/N)'s eyes clench, mentally preparing herself for a slap in the face. Instead, he grabs the bottom of her chin fiercely-locking her lips with his own. His tongue slides inside of her mouth exploring the wet cave.

Her first kiss-stolen. By the man she both loved but despised at the same time.

Once he finishes tasting her, he pulls away slowly, once again locking his grey orbs with her own (e/c) ones. He frowns at her reaction, her whole face representing shock.

"It's... It's because I love you (f/n)..." He pauses. "I always have and always will... Though, I don't think you'll ever feel the same way..."


"Will you wait for me?"

(F/N) looks at him in confusion, yet Himuro continues to press his confession onto her.

"I'll always patiently wait for my feelings to get across. Yet, I already know that you'll hate me for this."

She tries to move, tugging at the rope binding her to the chair. "Tatsuya-"

"I don't even think I have the right to call you by your first name... However, just this once, know that I really do love you. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." His words soften up (f/n). His voice sincere and loving for the first time since the entire situation had started. She tries to inch forward towards Himuro, and he does the same, hugging her tightly before whispering something in her ear that is barely distinct.

He pulls away once again only to kiss (f/n), but this time she reluctantly accepts.

Feeling a foreign object slide across her tongue, she screams into his mouth even though she knows it's too late. In a quick moment, he slides something down her throat as she tries to kick him away, the ropes rendering her actions useless. As a last ditch effort, she bites his tongue knowing that it's already too late.

He grunts, head snapping back at the familiar taste of blood. A smirk makes its way to his lips, as he wipes away the red liquid at the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. Muttering a simple 'that's not nice', it doesn't take long for the female to feel the effects of the pill.

She once again drifts to sleep, before finally realizing the words Himuro had whispered gently into her ears before the kiss...

"Just kidding."

End of Part 2

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