Chapter 5: Safe

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All of the air that was initially inside of her lungs exits her, leaving her bereft. 

His gaze wash over her form, the hidden warmth and concern quickly flashing into anger as he forced his eyes onto Himuro. 

"Akashi? What's up?" Himuro asks, resting his hand on his hip as he furrows his eyebrows.

Akashi's eyes slowly shift into heterochromatic colours as he adjusts his posture into a cautious stance. "You wouldn't know what happened to (First Name), would you?"

A moment of silence. 

"I have... no idea." 

"Oh, really." Akashi's eyes narrow into slits. "I guess my emperor eye gives me the ability to see ghosts, as well." 

Himuro's eye widen, head whipping to follow Akashi's gaze that captures the female in his sight. His body stiffens as soon as he sees her, before letting loose and letting out a laugh that belies the current situation, adding to the tension that slowly builds up in the room. 

Akashi takes his arms out of his suit jacket, letting the cloth rest on his shoulders as he folds his sleeves to perfection. 

Himuro looks at the unclothed female one more time, eyes shifting to her shaking legs. "You can barely walk! How did you manage to escape, you little bitch?!" 

He takes one step towards the trembling female, eyes filled with insanity as he reaches out towards her neck. 

He doesn't get far. 

Akashi grabs Himuro by the shoulder, pulling him towards him. As soon as his face is visible,  a punch is sent straight to the jaw that leaves Himuro flying. Somehow, his jacket manages to stay draped around his shoulders as he delivers his punch. Akashi shakes his hand out, eyes glinting with fury as he trudges over to the limp body on the ground. 

"Fucking scum," he spits, grabbing a handful of raven hair to flip Himuro around. He brings his hand back, murderous intent radiating off of him as he threatens to stab Himuro in the chest with his overly sharpened scissors. 

He hesitates, his breathing growing more rapid as he locks eyes with Himuro. 

End it.

"Akashi-kun! That's enough!" (First name) screams, gradually sliding to the ground. Instantly, Akashi lets out a sigh, hand dropping to his side as he bows his head in relief. The pounding of his heart slows as he regains his composure. He grabs her hand, half dragging her to a safer distance away from Himuro.  

Taking off his jacket completely, he manages to slip her into it and work at the buttons as he looks away. 

She lets out a small hiccup and collapses into his arms. He wraps his hands around her waist and pulls her closer toward himself to prop her up. She clutches his shirt tightly, willing him to never let go as he lovingly caresses her head.

The emperor eye he used to protect her fades away, and he returns to his normal, sympathetic self.

"It's okay. I'm here..." he whispers, awkwardly caressing her head as his eyes narrow in warmth. 

"Thank you..." she croaks, repeating the two words countlessly as she sobs in his embrace. 

Fishing out his cell phone and pressing a few buttons, he contacts his private police force before putting it back into his pocket; careful not to disturb the fragile moment.


After a while, a group of heavily armed men rush into Himuro's house before ushering him into a vehicle. 

His face shows no emotion as he's dragged into the car, almost as if admitting defeat. 

As he watches Akashi from the other side of the tinted window, he regrets all of his past decisions. He pictures himself as Akashi in the same position: picturing himself as the one to protect her. 

He only now realizes that his motives were shrouded in the true happiness he and (first name) shared. 

The true happiness he perceived as fabricated memories. 

Tears roll down his face faster than rain spills from dark clouds. He outstretches his hand and presses his fingertips against the glass, softly resting his head against the pane to hide the vulnerable expression lurking on his face.

(first name) approaches Himuro slowly, and he watches her discreetly through his eyelashes.

Her body is barely able to walk, yet she attempts to move towards him.

She presses her hand against the other side of the glass, a sad smile overlooking her face. As she watched him despite not being able to see him, sympathy is held in her eyes. He looks up at her expression. Unable to comprehend anything else; he whispers apologies over and over to sooth the loneliness resounding in his empty mind.

"I'm sorry (First name)... I finally realized how much you loved me, and how stupid I was to fail to see it. How Ironic. The only thing that I wished for was always in front of me." He sniffles, a wry smile tugging at his lips. 

I had broken you. Yet you still graciously accepted me. Your captivating soul caused chaos within my mind, and I doubted your infinite care for me.

I persistently ignored your true feelings because I knew at the bottom of my heart; that they were too good to be true. Yet, being the perfect girl you are-You still chose to forgive me repeatedly. As I continued to hurt you even more...

What I did was unforgivable, and I needed something to pull me back to reality. I wasn't able to endure your pure soul that loved me with all of its heart. Yet you persistently told me you loved me despite what I did to you. You crazy girl...

For that; I truly am sorry... Even though I know you won't be able to forgive me,  please be happy for me. Please regain the happiness you had lost because of me.  

Please. Forget me and live on with your life.

She listens to the muffled words that escape Himuro's mouth through the glass. Her mouth opens as she inhales deeply to say the final words that meant the most to the both of them.

"I'll never be able to forget you," she mouths, wiping the tears that are produced with her sleeves.

She asks the driver to roll down the window. When he hesitantly does, her hand immediately reaches out to Himuro, and she uses her thumb to wipe the tears that threaten to prick the corners of Himuro's cloudy coloured eyes.

He suddenly remembers his motives and slowly but calmly reaches into his pocket to divulge a small velvet box. He holds it up to his forehead with both hands, gesturing for her to open the box.

She does, and a beautiful diamond ring is revealed.

"I was supposed to give it to you, yet it would've felt wrong to forcefully put it on your finger..." he whispers, not daring to look at her.

"Take it yourself. Don't think of it as anything more than a sentiment, because I shouldn't bond you down like this." A beat. "I only have one selfish and desperate request. Remember the true moments we had felt together." 

"I know I may be asking for the impossible, but please accept it. Not only for me but yourself as well."

Her fingers brush against his own, as she silently takes the ring from the box. Slipping it onto her finger, she gazes at the sight.

"It suits you perfectly..." he says, gently holding her hand.

He kisses her knuckles, and gradually, but reluctantly slips his fingers away from her own. A genuine smile is finally presented onto his face.

(First name) for the last time, a look of warmth and renewal filling his tender gaze. The car starts to move, and Himuro whispers something inaudible before finally disappearing into the distance.

"Farewell. My dear (Last name), (First Name)..."

To be continued...

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