Love Lost -- part two

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A/N: Thanks for reading, guys! =) It means SO much! Comments are appreciated =D


“You will not fight, Echo Saville! I forbid you!” Echo stopped and looked up at her father. She had come home to say goodbye. It had been three days since the slaughter in the East. Rowen had helped band together a fair amount of civilians. Very few of them had training with a sword. They all knew many would die.

And yet they were all willing to fight. There was hardly a single person in Sageon that didn’t know somebody that had been killed in the East side. Just as there were not many who liked or supported Cole.

It was time for the people to revolt, to get rid of the corruption in the law. There was no point in going to the King. He would not undermine Cole’s power. War was inevitable.

“Do not tell me what I will and will not, Father.” Echo hissed, her voice that of a deadly poison. “This is my life, I shall not live it your way.” If looks could kill, Echo’s father would have fallen to the ground dead.

“If you continue out that door, Echo, do not come back. I shall not have you defy my authority.” A small gasp sounded from Echo’s mother, watching helplessly as her daughter stood half way out the door.

“Then this is good-bye.” Echo said. Casting a quick glance to her mother, Echo turned, slamming the door behind her.


“So, you’re really going to fight?” Rowen asked anxiously, appearing at Echo’s side as she stalked down the road a little ways away from her ex-home.

“Yes.” She answered flatly.

A not formed in the pit of his stomach, and he grimaced at the ground. “I don’t like it. You might get hurt.” he muttered.

Echo spun around, glaring at Rowen. “I will be fine. I know how to handle myself.”

“I was taught to use a sword. You were taught to ride horses. Echo, you can’t…”

“I can do anything I wish! You dare not try and change my mind, Rowen!” Echo yelled. One would have thought there was steam coming from her ears and nose. Rowen backed down, holding his hands up. He obviously realised her determination. Huffing, Echo whirled around and continued to march towards the market place. That was where those who were fighting would meet.

The noise coming from the market place could be heard from quite a distance away. As she got closer, Echo could hear the men Rowen had placed in charge ordering about there men. They were lucky to have a handful of ex-military men among them.

When at last she arrived on the scene, Echo grinned at the crowd. There must have been at least five hundred people ready to fight. It was nothing compared to the thousand Cole was sure to have. But it was something. They could win this.

Echo headed straight to the cart of swords in the very center of the crowd. Anyone who had a personal sword would use them, those who didn’t would use swords provided by the smith. An honest man with a grudge against Cole. He was more then willing to hand out what weapons he could.

Picking up a sturdy, silver sword, Echo smiled. It felt perfect in her hand. Not to heavy, not to light. “I still don’t like it.” Rowen muttered, watching her spar with an invisible man.

“I still don’t care.” Echo replied with a smirk. Rowen frowned, shaking his head. His face was worried, genuinely caring.

“Echo… please.” he whispered, grabbing her wrist to stop her as she yanked on the leather armour someone had handed her. It was the same kind of cheap armour everyone would be wearing. They did not have the means of gaining real armour. “I cannot bare to see you hurt.” Echo froze, gazing up at the man.

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