Chapter 1

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                                                                                         CHAPTER 1


     A persistent ringing drags me out of my sleep,"No", I moan at my clock I try to roll over and ignore it when I realize what time it is. Unfortunately I have to get up and get ready for school. "Why do Monday's exists anyway?" After getting up I carefully make my way down the stairs, tiptoeing my way past my passed out father. I decide to skip making lunch rather than accidentally making noise, grabbing my keys I get ready to face another day of school.

     "Who came up with the lovely notion of school anyway?" I think as I make my way through the large crowd of students. Finally I make it to my safe haven, my favorite teachers room, Mr.Brooks' . He looks up from his desk smiling when he meets my eyes,"How was your weekend Anna?" 

     I give him a grimace for an answer,"Like all of the others." I say as I plop my book bag on the ground.

    My family is a little dysfunctional, my father is an alcoholic who has severe anger issues, not the greatest combination. Although he hasn't physically hurt any of us, thank goodness. That brings us to my mom, she is in college but is never here anymore, she is to busy at parties or meeting other people. That leaves me a 17 year old with two 38 year old "children" to take care of. If someone were to ask who my parents were I would scoff at them and say, "what parents?"

     His words bring me out of my thoughts. 

    "What?" I say.

     "I brought a book for you" he says searching my face for a reaction. I  love reading, its great to get lost a good book and it helps take my mind off of the problems I have at home. It takes you to a whole different world where anything can happen. Eves Since the start of this year he has been bringing me some of his favorite books when he noticed my love of reading.

      "You did?!" My face breaking into a brilliant smile.

      "That's what I love to see." he says remarking on my smile.     

        He stops what he is doing and stares into my eyes, unable to break his gaze I stare back at him. His eyes break away from mine as they rake up and down my body. His voice surprisingly husky he says, "You look beautiful, as always."

      "Umm, Th-thank you." I stutter surprised at his actions. " What is he doing? This has never happened before, he is my teacher, I don't really think he can say that!"

     Stopping whatever he was doing he starts straightening papers as other students start walking into class. "Its almost first hour you should probably go so you aren't late" He says loosening and straightening his tie.

    "Uh yeah I should um get going", I say scooping up my backpack and ran out of the room. What just happened? What should I do about it? I quickly shake those thoughts out of my head as I head to first hour.

    During first hour I catch up with my friend Cassie, "Hey how was your weekend babe?"

       "Great, I met this guy and he was so...."She rambles on. My friend Cassie is great but practically every other day she meets a guy and instantaneously thinks he is "the one". Then comes the break-up and she is so broken up about it every time, it kills me seeing her miserable, but by the next day she aleady has another boyfriend.

      "Yeah I can imagine.",I say not really listening to her. Cassie is always trying to  set me up with a guy, she doesn't get how I can live without one. The truth is I am kind of lonely but most guys in high school only want to get in your pants."Maybe I can ask he about Mr.Brooks and see whats going on, I'd just have to switch names," I think.

     The curiosity is killing me, I have to ask, "Hey Cassie what does it mean if a guy stares at you and gives you the once over?" 

      "Wait who was it!" She gushes forgetting that I just interrupted her guy story.

      "Well, he is an older guy--"

      "Really, my gosh what has gotten into you, an older guy! Who is it? Do you like him back?" 

       "No its not like that, I don't know, its just....... complicated"I sigh.                                                                                     

        "Don't you worry I'll will find out, you just gave me a mystery, and you know how I love to solve them."She smiles suspiciously. We take our seats as the teacher walks in and get ready for a long class.


    During the hour I have in his class i felt his gaze on me, but instead of meeting it I avoid it the entire hour. I am not exactly the most popular in this high school, just another student. This year though I have been targeted by, 'the group', we all have that group of snobby girls that think they are royalty. Today their boyfriends, the jocks, felt compelled to throw all of my stuff around the room. At that moment the bell decides to ring so I'm left alone with Mr.Brooks trying pick up all of the papers.

     "Really a bunch of students find it fun to throw papers around?", I huff under my breath. Bending over to grab my note book I feel a tap on my back.

    "I believe these are yours?" I hear a familiar voice say behind me.

     Whirling around I come face to face with Mr.Brooks. Merely inches away he says softly, "I'm sorry that happened."

      "Its fine its not your fault", I say while looking down at my shoes.

       " I could have done something about it" He responds.

       "You were off printing something, there was nothing you could do."

       He reaches down towards my face, noticing my eyes wide with fear he stops.

    "Your hair is in your face Anna." He says soothingly as he continues to brush it out of my face.

     "I should get going" I say.

      Trying to get away from him,because I cant stop noticing how close we are. I stumble backwards managing to find the desk with my head. The last thing I hear is the loud resounding "Crack" when my head hits the desk, as my world swims into darkness.        

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