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The ice cold water hits my body, and I'm searching around frantically. I take a deep inhale of air into my lungs, then dive.

I hear a faint noise from below me. Everything is a bright blue blur which makes things hard to focus in on. I see the car, and head towards it. Two men, neither being my Father have already spilled out with blood oozing from cuts on the bottom of the water.

Soon, I being to panic. I cannot see my Father. Plus, my oxygen seems to be running low. The doors are eerily swinging open with the ocean currents.

I manage to take a peep in. And to my loss Father isn't in there. But a small golden box is sitting on the seat. It's wet, but still somehow glowing different colors. For some reason, I stuff it into my shirt.

No sign of Dad, and my air is gone. I pedal my way up to the surface, gasping for air. I look around once again, trying to find a strip of land to get back on my feet at.

Above me, sirens are blaring on the bridge. Traffic is already backing up, and attention on the fallen car is being put into focus. I have to get out of here, "Haley! Haley, over here!" a voice comes from my left. From where the sound came from stands both Calvin and Gavin.

I slowly swim over to where they are, managing to keep a calm pace. Straining myself would be fatal in the happening events.

My body gives in and the waves do the rest. I wash up on shore trying to get water out of my lungs. "Are you okay?" Gavin asks.

"I - I'm fine." I cough out.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Calvin says picking me up, carrying me into a starting forest. "No one can see us in here."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. The facility is that way."

"Can we take a break, for Haley's sake?" Gavin asks with a concerned look.

"Only for a bit. They'll be searching for us." Gavin squats down next to me, while wrapping his arms around my wet body.

"They didn't have my Dad. But they had this." I toss him the little golden cube I found in the backseat of the sinking car.

"What is this thing?" Gavin asks examining it in with care.

"I know it!" Calvin shouts out taking the thing from Gavin's hands, "Its a hologram machine. Back at the facility they used to teach us how to control our powers with this. You press this button," He taps a little red button on the top and sets it down, "and a hologram comes out."

My Dad pops out of the box. With the same facial expression in the back of the car. "Dad!" I go to hug it, but the shimmer of a wrinkle above his cheek stops me.

"Its just a hologram, Haley. They must've used it so you would go after them. It was a trap." Gavin points out patting my back.

"A hologram. I dove after a hologram." I start to cry, but the time for that is over. Its time to do something besides shedding a tear every thirty minutes. I'm determined to do something.

"Its good that you got this. These can store thousands of holographs. Seems to be two all total on here. One we haven't seen. Shall we watch?" Calvin says picking it back up.

"You guys watch. I want look." I bury my face in my hands and think.

Silence fills as the hologram starts up. I don't see it, though I hear it loud and clearly.

"Simple?" A man's voice says, "The plan is exactly that. We want her and her friends. We'll do anything to capture her. Once she is in our custody bring her back to The Facility. And we will dispose of her here. Bring her back, alive. We take her DNA, and kill her."

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