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I opened the last compartment with space "Hey, could I sit with you guys? I was sat with Ginny and Neville before but that have started to play wizards chess and I got pushed out"

"Yeah course you can" Ron and Harry said in unison.

"No you can't, go back to the other compartment where you were before. What did I say about bothering me?!" why I thought my sister would allow me to sit with her and her friends, Hermione and me never did see eye to eye.

"Oh, alright then. Sorry sis, I just thought that maybe we could spend some time together for once" I turned and started to walk away but I was stopped in my tracks by a hard chest. I looked up to see who I had walked into and, to my surprise, it was Draco Malfoy and he looked pretty annoyed.

"Watch where you're going Granger" Draco spat at me as he walked past, his fierce eyes locked on mine. He was one of the few people in Hogwarts who know me and Hermione were related, I don't know how but he was. Hermione didn't want people to know, she finds my presence irritating. Until probably just now, neither Harry nor Ron knew either.

Before I could apologise, I was pulled back into the compartment I had just walked out of. Hermione forced me into the chair opposite her and her intense eyes dug into mine

"How many times must I tell you about calling me 'sis', I keep telling you not to!" I didn't like her angry side, it was frightening. I looked around for support, but all I found were two pairs of eyes, both fixed on Hermione and I and the current situation.

"Sisters? You two are sisters and you never told me?" Hermione looked over at Harry, calmed at last, and sympathy covered her face.

Ron turned to her. "So, let me get this straight, you and Lillie are sisters, we've known you since the start of Hogwarts, and its only now, six years later, that we find out you are related?"

I figured I'd let Hermione deal with this, seen as she's always the one of us who handles things. I excused myself from the group and made my way back to Ginny and Neville. Two compartments down from theirs, surprise surprise, was Draco Malfoy, stood with Crabbe and Goyle. I attempted to walk past silently to avoid the insults I knew would come. Unfortunately, I failed.

"Oi, Granger, maybe you should borrow Potter's glasses the next time you decide to go for a walk, save us from your pathetic clumsiness" his face became smug, a smirk replaced the smile he had when in mid conversation with the two low-life's who followed him around all of the time.

"Oh give it a rest Malfoy, I'm not in the mood" I could have punched the smug off his face, but I didn't want to damage my knuckles, or hands for that matter!

"Well boys, it looks to me like Granger got rejected by her own sister, ouch, that's harsh" all three of them bent over in laughter, but I just ignored them and carried on walking. They weren't good enough to receive my specialty of foot to the crotch, not even on a good day.

I arrived back in my original compartment with Ginny and Neville, who were just putting their game of wizard's chess away.

"Lillie! We wondered where you'd got to" I looked over to Ginny, whose eyes were focused on her task at hand, but her words, evidently, directed at me.

"I, err, went to see Harry, Ron and Hermione. Sorry, I forgot to tell you, you seemed so caught up I your game and I didn't want to disturb you" I felt bad that I hadn't told then, but I was back with them now, so it didn't matter anymore, right?

"Oh, right, okay. Never mind then" she looked over for a second, a smile on her face, but as soon as I saw it, it was gone and she turned towards the window. They had packed the game away and were both staring at the countryside passing by in a blur.

I could see the train station in the distance, and knew that it wouldn't be long until we were finally at Hogwarts. I decided to join Ron, Harry and Hermione in their compartment for the last part of our journey.

I slipped into the compartment next to Harry but nobody seemed to notice. "Almost there guys" I told them, but again, no one seemed to pay attention. I glanced at Harry, but he was staring out of the window, so I looked at Ron, who was focused on Hermione. I turned to look at her. When my eyes met hers a shiver traveled down my spine. They were like ice. I quickly looked away, hoping that the argument would be resolved sooner than later.

I heard the whistle, announcing our arrival, and stepped off the train and onto the platform. We were here. We had finally arrived at Hogwarts, and a new year was about to begin.


Hey guys!

I'm sorry for the long absence. Things have changed quite a bit since this story was first uploaded on RhubardAndCustard but I will try my best to keep uploading on this new account. 

Grace x

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