Chapter 5

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~Draco's POV~

I got back to the common room and flopped onto one of the sofas, my mind wandering to other things- Lillie being the other things. I couldn't get her out of my head, she is driving me mental. There are so many questions flying round my brain, all demanding answers. Questions like: do I like Lillie? Would I have really kissed her if we weren't interrupted? And the biggest question of all: does she like me back? I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Crabbe and Goyle come back into the dorm and I didn't notice them start talking to me but I did notice the freezing cold water that they decided to throw onto m, drenching me to my skin.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed at the two morons in front of me, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

Goyle spoke first, "We were talking to you but you were out of it. Tried getting your attention but it didn't work," he shrugged as if they hadn't just drenched me in ice cold water. I rolled my eyes, "So, instead of hitting my shoulder or waving your hand in front of my face like people normally do, you decided to pour water all over me?" Crabbe looked at the floor, embarrassed, and Goyle opened his mouth to reply but I continued, "Not only that but ICE COLD water!" I emphasised the 'ice cold'.

"Sorry", they both muttered under their breath. I rolled my eyes again and stood up, mumbling a quick "Whatever" and making me way to my room. When I reached my bed, I pulled out a pair of dry joggers and changed into them, placing the wet clothes on top of the trunk. As I planted myself on the bed, a soft sigh escaped my lips. I laid back, my right hand under my head and my left hand resting on my stomach.

For a while, I just laid there deep in thought. Specifically, the thoughts I has earlier. Did Lillie like me back? That had to be the biggest thing on my mind. What would have happened if we had kissed? Would we have kissed again or would it have been awkward? Question after question, all with unknown answers.

As my mind wandered onto the almost-kiss, a smile made its way onto my face. I felt a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as I replayed the moment in my mind. At the same time, however, I found myself disappointed that the moment was interrupted.

What the hell is going on with me?


*The following morning*

~Lillie's POV~

I woke up feeling so happy, I'd had the bet night's sleep ever and I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my tummy. I got up from the bed and picked out my uniform from the trunk, making my way to the bathroom and changing into it. As I was splashing water on my face, someone came to the sink beside me.

"Morning" Ginny greeted, her seemingly permanent smile plastered onto her face. I smiled back at her, "Hey!" I replied.

She rose an eyebrow at me and her smile changed into a smirk. "S'up with you?" she asked. I looked at her confused. She rolled her eyes playfully, "You're practically glowing! Something has happened" she nudged me with her elbow and winked but before I could reply she walked out of the bathroom and back to our room.

I'm glowing? I looked in the mirror, only to find what I usually saw. The only difference being the smile on my face. I shook my head and left the bathroom, grabbing my bag from the foot of my bed and making my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

As I entered the gigantic room, my breath escaped me. I may have been in here before but its beauty still amazes me. I made my way over to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. As Hermione was sat next to rom I went to his other side and sat next to Ginny and started to put things on my plate.

"Went for a midnight stroll did we?" I heard Hermione sneer, only just loud enough for me to hear. Ignoring her I turned to Ginny, "You know, maybe we should go to Hogsmeade this weekend, it'd be nice to get away from things for a while?" I asked her. She nodded her head enthusiastically and opened her mouth to reply but before she did, Hermione interrupted.

"Oh please. We all know that by things you mean me. Talk about bitchy" she scoffed. We all looked at her as she stood up from her seat. "I think I'll have my breakfast somewhere else, you know, away from things" she sneered as she walked away and out of the hall.

Ginny was the first to speak, "Seriously, what the hell is her problem? Why's she so bitchy all of a sudden?" Harry and Ron just shrugged, but I stayed silent, knowing perfectly well why. I focussed my gaze on my food, occasionally mumbling a quiet 'yes' or 'no' to questions, keeping out of the conversations.

I quickly glanced around the room and caught Draco's eye. The butterflies in my stomach went wild as he gave me a small, almost unnoticeable smile. I returned it and, when he winked in response, a blush made its way onto my cheeks, which caught the attention of Ginny who gave me a questioning look. I shrugged it off and stood up, my meal finished.

"I'm gonna head to class, I'll see you guys later?" I half asked, half told them. They nodded and smiled as I turned away and headed out of the door.

Instead of going straight to class, I wandered the halls of Hogwarts, my gaze focussed on the floor. No more than five minutes later, I bumped into a hard chest, almost toppling over. But before I fell onto my bum, a pair of strong hands caught me by the waist, keeping me upright. I looked up lo meet two pools of grey and a small smirk on the face of none other than Draco Malfoy himself. I unwillingly began to lose myself in his stormy yet mesmerising eyes but quickly snapped back to reality with the sound of him clearing his throat.

"See something you like, Lil?" he winked and his smirk grew. My face burned in embarrassment and the butterflies went haywire as I realised that he'd used my nickname, "N-no, of course not!" I stammered, chucking nervously as I stepped out of his hold, my sides growing cold at the loss of contact. It almost made me step forwards before I stopped myself, realising what I was thinking.

He chuckled to himself before asking, "Where are you headed all alone?"

I shrugged, "Just wandering before class. Where are your two morons?"

It was his turn to shrug this time, "Ditched them", I raised an eyebrow, causing him to look at me questioningly "What?"

I laughed a little, "It's just not like you to walk around without the attached to your hip, that's all."

He went quiet for a while, making me question whether I'd pushed it too far, "Sorry, I- "

"No, no, its fine, honestly", he gave a small, reassuring smile, "I just realised how right you are. It's sad really."

I don't know why I had the urge to do so but I found myself stepping towards him and gently wrapping my arms around his torso, placing my head on his shoulder. He, in response, wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. I melted into the hg, feeling his rock hard chest, silently approving. He smelt like a mix of coconut and vanilla, making my mouth water slightly.

After what seemed like hours, we stepped away from each other and smiled shyly. He offered me his arm, which a gladly took and we made our way to class in silence, not caring about how we looked because we knew we'd be the first ones there.

However, a sudden clang made us jump apart and look behind us to find no one there. We looked at each other puzzled, but carried on, a small distance between us now.

Stupid noise, talk about ruining the moment.


~Unknown's POV~

I watched from a distance as Lillie and Draco shared a hug which seemed to intimate to just be friendly. I wondered why there were so close and almost lost sight of them as they started to walk off, arm in arm. I ran to keep up with them but caught one of the display cabinets; knocking off a metal dish. I quickly stepped forwards, the metal dish now between my feet; concealing it under the invisibility cloak I had taken from Harry's trunk. I watched as they looked back, before separating and carrying on. I waited for them to be out of sight before I placed the dish back onto the shelf and quickly made my way back to the dorm to return the cloak.

It's amazing, things you find out when invisible. I might have to use the cloak more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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