Pranking Advice

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To prank somebody you have to plan it for a while. If you want to do a prank call them you find the person you want to do it to and you do it right away instead of planning. Im going to call Joey Grosificia. (Phone Ringing) (Joey) hello (Mirnada) hello ( Joey) yes? (Miranda) is you refridgrator running? (Joey) I think so (Miranda) well its not its unplugged (Joey) who is this? (Miranda) its its its mmm your mom just kidding its me Miranda Sings (Joey) omg MIRNADA (Miranda) I got you so good. (Joey) By Miranda love you (Miranda) aw I love you. Oh I will see you later I will just come to your house and sit on the porach like always waiting for you to come out. (Joey) sounds great BYE (Miranda) BYE!! I got joey so goodI pranked him so hard. Also don't forget to turn your caller ID off so they don't know who you are. That's how you become a an amazing prankster also you should come to my next show were I prank the audiuce just go visit to get your can get your tickets all the pranking you do please share with me by tweeting me your photo or video of you prank calling people even if you prank people please show me because I want to see if im better. Which I am I was born the day before chirstmas so hello im perfect im pretty much baby jesus sister. but I don't think I am and its a sin to say if I am. I'm just perfect and beautiful. Because I'm a good Christan.

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