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(Anthony's mom in the mm)



We pulled up and Craig got out and ran inside than some nurse and doctors ran outside with him. They had three stretchers. They took them straight to the back of the emergency room. I told them to check the kids to make sure nothing was wrong with them. 

5 hours later

We are still sitting​ in the waiting​ room waiting​ on them to tell us about blac chyna, Nia,and kyla. King, Royalty, and Anthony can go home. King and Royalty only had and broken arm. Anthony had a couple of broken ribs but he's ok so they can go home. Chris phone started ringing and it said Tyga so I answered the phone.

(Phone convo)
TYGA: hold on

I heard shuffling then Chris got on the phone

Chris: where the fuck you at and why you took my phone
Shannade: idk but give the phone to ShaKayla

I heard shuffling​ then ShaKayla

SHANNADE: am I on speaker
ShaKayla: no
SHANNADE: don't lie
ShaKayla: I ain't
SHANNADE: I'm at the hospital
ShaKayla: which one
SHANNADE: Rosewood
ShaKayla: why you at the hospital
SHANNADE: You'll see when you get here I'm at ICU part of the hospital (hangs up)

I looked up and I seen a doctor come in

Doctor: family of Nia, Blac Chyna, Kyla

I stood up and so did Craig and Shawn

SHANNADE: that's us
Doctor: they had a concussion that turned into a coma if they wouldn't have gotten her sooner they could've died both of there arms and legs are broken. Here is everything they had on them.
SHANNADE: thnks doctor


I was thinking​ bout what Shannade said and when I looked up Tyga, August, Shannon,and Chris was looking​ at me

Me: wat
Chris: wat did she say did she mess up my truck
Me: I don't know she didn't tell me that she just said we need to get to the hospital
Tyga: which one
Me: ill tell you when we leaving​

I grabbed Shannon's hand and took her upstairs to my room then we put on some high waisted pants that I found in the room I put on one of Tyga's jackets and she put one of August's jackets. Then we went back downstairs to see these niggas just a Chilaxin (chillin and relaxing​) like I didn't just tell them we had to go to the hospital. I went and slapped them in the back of there heads.

AM I IN LOVE WITH MY KIDNAPPER (august alsina,  tyga,and Chris Brown)Where stories live. Discover now