(2) The pledge

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Hunters. Gods. Lions. Chariots. Everything went with a blur. Battles were raging. The hunters of Artemis charging  into the battles scene.

If you haven't seen hunters battles, well, you've seen nothing scary.

I only know all of this because nico kept whispering about them. I roll my eyes and clamp a hand over his mouth.

Suddenly a blonde girl jumps on the "manticores" back. I hear screams. An arrow strikes the manticore with the poor girl on its back still. The lion falls off the cliff. And everyone rushes over.

"Who... What?" I stutter aimlessly. Everything went in a rush and suddenly I was in a warm comfy tent.

"What happened out there?" I sit up groggily asking. A girl looks over at me and smiles warmly. She was a hunter I knew it.

"Hun, those were some half bloods, unfortunately like you and your brother." She talks to me.

"What happened to the girl"

"She fell"

"Where is my brother?"

She scowls and points outside. " Boys aren't welcome, usually, but Percy Jackson, Nico do Angelo, and Grover underwood are exceptions."

"Why aren't they?" I ask, stupidly

"Sweetie we are the hunters of Artemis, Eternal maidens, swore to never fall for men. Speaking of the hunters..." She trails off

A brown haired girl storms into the tent, with what looks like Artemis behind her. No way that young, beautiful, maiden is Artemis, right? Nope

"Bianca di Angelo, we would like to ask you to join the huntresses." Says Artemis sweetly. "You will be immortal and not age, however you shall not fall for any males, or your oath to us is broken so is your immortality. You can only die in combat, at the hands of battle"

"So would you, Bianca like to join us?" She asks

I stare, shocked of the offer then shake my head signaling yes.

I don't see the boy Percy Jackson in here until he spoke up, "Bianca please you would be abandoning your brother and us, for these hunters don't do it." He pleads.

I think about it and still stick with my decision.

"All you need to say now for the oath is, I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis and the hunt"

I repeat the words and feel nothing different. Instead I do though feel more power coursing through out my veins and body.

The hunters all smile and nod, but Percy looks away disappointed and walks out.

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