The Little Island

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The ship took off, it was sunset. Duncan and Gwen were watching the sunset happily while Courtney complained about the boat's "condition" to Chef, who was currently driving the boat. Sierra was in the boat's kitchen, making herself a sandwich. She whispered Cody's name as she cut her sandwich and threw a few grapes on the side. 

"What a nice day!" Sierra sighed dreamily as she took her plate.


Sierra thought she heard yelling, but shrugged it off as she headed towards the lounge. She passed Brigette, she was nervously rubbing her arm. 

"Don't go in there!" Brigette whispered. "Why not?" Sierra asked.


"Heather and Alejandro are arguing" Brigette replied. 

"So?" Duncan responded as he entered the lounge, the next thing he knew, a dish was heading towards his face, Duncan dodged it quickly. 

"Seriously?!" Duncan groaned. 

Then he approached Heather and Alejandro. 

"What the heck is wrong with you both?!" Duncan hissed. 

"YOU keep your mouth shut!" Heather said to Alejandro. 

"Tell me!" Duncan retaliated. 

"There's another season coming out, and Heather wants to break out of the contract" Alejandro explained. Then an awkward silence filled the air.

"Hey Cody! Izzy thinks you've gone soft!"

Cody ignored Izzy as she followed him around the deck. "Sierra told me everything!" Izzy chirped. Cody froze, did everyone hear what happened in the closet? 

"Leave. Me. Alone." Cody muttered. 

"Don't try denying it! You like her!" 

"No I DON'T!" Cody responded. 

"Crazy girl's got a point" it was LeShawna "You have been looking at her quite oddly lately."

Cody walked away and headed towards the lounge, only to see Heather and Alejandro stomping out of the room. When he entered the room, Sierra and Duncan were on the red couch talking like best friends. How could she? Cody thought with a twinge of jealousy, she was his great, stalkerish, beautiful-

Wait, what? Where did beautiful come from? Maybe he was just thinking about Gwen. Sierra then spotted him and smiled. 

"Hey bunny-face!" Sierra giggled.

Duncan then nudged Sierra's shoulder and she frowned. 

"Uh, Cody, I have to tell you something, privately" she then got up and Cody followed her.

Was she and Duncan dating? The thought of such almost made him choke, surely he was always Sierra's true interest?

Then they were right in front of her room door. 

"What is it Sierra?" Cody asked, bracing himself for the worst.

"I'm going to be in season 5!"

Relief flooded Cody that her and Duncan were NOT dating. 

"Why were you and Duncan talking then?" Cody asked. 

"He's going to be in season 5 as well! But, sadly, my codykins, you're not" Sierra sighed. 

Cody put his hand on her shoulder and she looked up with a faint smile. 

"It's going to be okay" Cody whispered, sliding his hand down her silky hair...


Crap. Then Cody ran off to his room. Leaving Sierra behind.

I'm not in love with Sierra. I'm not in love with Sierra. Cody thought as he ran to his room. So why did he miss her already?

"Everybody! We're on the island!"

At last! Cody entered his room, quickly grabbed his stuff and ran to the deck and looked up. Sierra was the first one to get on the island. It was beautiful, with lush grass, and colorful flowers. But the best part was when she looked up, they were staying in treehouses!

"Oh YES! THIS IS GREAT FOR IZZY!" Izzy hollered excitedly. 

"There's no way I'm staying in a treehouse!" Noah groaned as he walked off the boat.

"Wait" Tyler said "There isn't enough treehouses for all of us!"

"That's right" Chris said "Some of you will have to share!"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Cody and I get to share one!" Sierra rejoiced as she easily lifted Cody off the ground and into her arms. 

Cody smiled as she holded him tight while climbing up the tree. Cody flinched as he saw Izzy dash effortlessly up the tree next to theirs.

"C'mon, big O! CLIMB!" Izzy hissed. 

"I'm trying!" Owen panted. 

Crack! Owen snapped the tree and Izzy fell with it. 

"OMG!" Sierra giggled as she placed Cody on the treehouse porch and then got up there herself. Inside were two beds and a wooden table between them, with a lamp in the middle.

"Isn't this great Cody?!" Sierra said happily. Cody nodded, looking into her eyes.

"Hey doofus!" it was Duncan, climbing a vine across from them. Before he could say more, Courtney threw a pocket knife at his vine, slicing it and taking Duncan with it. Both him and Sierra laughed.

It was great.

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