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The four of them journeyed through the forest for a few hours seeing the smoke closer and closer.

"I can't believe we made it alive." Rex said as Amber slept on his back peacefully.

"Yea I know." Alex said as he looked down at Emily.

It began to get dark and it is never ideal to be in a forest when the sunsets. They saw that the smoke was coming from a cabin. They approached the door and Rex knocked gently.
A tall slender man wearing casual clothes opened the door. His hair was brown and he had a bang covering his right eye. He smiled politely and looked at the four.

"Hi there my name is Alex, this is Emily, Rex and Amber. We are warriors trained by Master Ryuken. We were attacked by The Night stalkers earlier today. They killed many of us. Some of us got away after the long fight but Master Ryuken..... Did not. He risked his life to allow us to get away alive." Alex spoke as his head looked at the ground.

"My name is Dante, I am pleased to help you guys. I heard about the war between the two of you and I am dearly sorry for your losses. Please come in and take a seat while I prepare the spare rooms for you guys." Dante said running towards the hallway.

Alex and Rex sat on the couch still holding Emily and Amber who were fast asleep. Dante ran back and forth from two different rooms. He carried sheets pillows and everything to prepare the rooms. He then stepped in the living room with a hospitable smile.

"The rooms are prepared for you two lovely couples, please rest as much as you need. You are welcome to stay as long as you guys please. I really don't have much company anyways." Dante said awkwardly.

"Thank you so much Dante." Rex said walking into one of the rooms and placing Amber on the bed.

Alex nodded and stepped into the other room. He took off his jean vest and put it on Emily after removing the shredded shirt and cardigan. Since her shirt and cardigan was destroyed by the savage hooded demon. He laid her in bed and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. He was on his way  outside to gaze at the stars.

"Alex where are you going?" Rex asked stepping out of his room.

"I'm going outside to think about plans for what is next and for some air." Alex said with his back still facing Rex.

"Do you want me to make you company?" Rex asked kindly.

"No thanks. Go rest with your girlfriend." Alex said impatiently.

"What about your girlfriend, Emily?" Rex blurted out.

"She is not my girlfriend, just a friend and she is resting." Alex said walking out of the cabin.


It was dark out with the full moon being the only source of light. Alex was on top of the roof of the cabin, he gazed up at the stars with his mind filled with so many thoughts.

"My Dark element took control of me. The power that went through my veins. The speed the perfection of my moves. I need to be able to control that." He whispered to himself.

Alex could remember the feeling of his body when the Dark aura appeared. He felt unstoppable. Until he saw Emily getting attack by that perverted demon then he exploded with ruthless aggression.

"*sigh* what is next?" Alex said staring at the diamonds scattered out in the sky.


Emily woke up slowly blinking. She sat up not knowing where she was. She looked down to see she was wearing Alex's jean vest. She panicked when she didn't see him around. She got up from the bed and ran out the door. Emily then opened the other door seeing Rex and Amber cuddled up.

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