Chapter 4

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I went to the hospital today to get my scan even more bad news my life is nearly over I only have a few days to live. I don't want to leave anybody nor everybody behind. I'm s ared of dying, how would it feel dying? I'm 15 for god sake I shouldn't be making my self more I'll worrying about it, but I am. My mums really upset and I can't make her feel happy she says " she's scared of losing me" I never thought I was that important. The feeling that your gonna lose your life is heart breaking its like somebody has crushed your heart. I'm going out with Josh today I need tell him the truth quick and fat before its all to late. "Josh" I say on the golden sand and beach with the water trickling. "What hun?" He says. "I need to tell you something important........I've been diagnosed with cancer and the worst part is, I'm at stage 4." He stares and glaces he starts shedding a tear "What? is it treatable?" He says confused."I'm sorry Josh there's nothing they can do, its near the end I've got 2 days I have to go" I share passion kiss with him for the very last time, and head home. Josh when you read this I hope you know I will love you until my heart stops beating, and even then way up high in heaven, I'll still be in his heart.

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