Rob and me?

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Wow me and Rob it has been my dream for this to happen but, what if i'm not ready Katie?

Katie replies you are Liz I can tell ... And then she smiles.

Ladies Jordan says walking in.

Hey Parks Katie says smiling at Jordan.

I notice he has a soccer ball with him and has on shin guards. Are you playing soccer? I ask.

Of course I am one of the best at least in high school I was.

You still are baby Katie says comfortingly.

Awe thanks at least now I know I am appreciated he says looking at me accusingly.

What that is your girlfriends job not mine.

Fine your no fun Katie put on your gear so we can go play.

You do realize it is past eight right? I say.

Obviously what fun is soccer in the light when you can see it. Jordan says like he is stating the obvious.

I hadn't noticed Katie had ran in the room until she comes out in shorts with shin guards on.

Well you guys have fun I am going to go cuddle.

As long as that is it. Jordan says.

Like you guys haven't done it.

Actually we haven't we will when we are ready. Jordan says.

Seriously!!!! You guys haven't had sex again since high school!!!!

No Katie says then ran outside with Jordan.

It must because of the kid.

I think about cute little Luna. She is five years old now. Katie and Jordan haven't see her since she was one. Katie's parents took her away and kicked her out then Jordan had her move in with him and they haven't done it since. Well I guess it is understandable. They just don't want to lose another child. Katie has been trying to get Luna back for three years. She has a good job and a fiancé I would have let her have Luna by now. But I'm not the judge.

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