All Characters #1

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Glass pieces scattered on the ground, leaving tiny bits around the larger pieces. Minami carefully picked up a few bits but slightly cuts her finger on a large piece.


"Ouch!" I sucked on my pointer finger.

People around me minded their own business and I carried on the process of picking up the shattered glass. A dust pan lands in front of my right hand and I ignored it.

"Oi..." a low voice taunted me, ".. use this instead of picking it up."

"Mmm. No thanks, I'm good."

The person bent down and made eye contact with me. I backed away. It was a boy, with dark brown hair. 'Did he dye his hair?'  I wondered. He had foggy glasses and I felt tense. My chest squeezed and my pulse got faster each time the clock ticked.

He titled his head to the side and pointed at the halfly worn out dust pan and wide brush. I adverted my gaze, not wanting to get involved with this dude.

"Take it," he grabbed my right hand and shoved the dust pan into my palm. I flinched, surprised at how far he would go just to make me use the dust pan and brush. I blankly stared at him and gripped hold of the dust pan.

As he slowly got up to leave, he placed something I couldn't see, on my desk. I shrugged. Quickly, I scooped the glass into the dust pan and the sound of clinking filled me up. I smiled, all done. Little by little, the pieces all fall silently into the mouth of the trash bin. I quietly watched them falling gracefully into such a dark and uncomfortable creature.

I returned the dust pan to the storage closet and took my seat in a matter of seconds. In the class, I scanned everyone's face to see if anyone matched the guy that helped me. Not a single person matched the shady guy. I let out a deep sigh and the interminable lesson carried on.

Laying innocently at the corner of my desk, I peered at the small band aid. Underneath it, it wrote:

Use. This. Band aid. For. Your. Finger.


Ryugi (Ryu) clutched his glasses into the base of his palm. He glared down at it, his face a hot pink. He irrationally slammed against the wall and cursed under his hot breath.


"Nehh, Oppa.." a small sized girl whined.

A taller boy stood beside her, keeping his face hidden. He glimpsed at her, then nodded.

"What's for lunch again?" she asked.

He shrugged, not that he didn't know the answer. But he didn't want to speak.

"Tch, Pak Joon Min. Answer me," she snapped at him. Not turning towards him as she gritted her teeth.

Joon Min hesitated, "I-I don't.. know.. Please do-don't yell at me, Im Hye."

Im Hye sighed and carried on to the desolate courtyard. Joon Min stayed in the same position until he heard Im Hye's call.

"C'mon Joon Min. We have to eat quickly or else we won't be able  to eat like yesterday.."

Joon Min gave a tiny smile and obediently followed after Im Hye.


[Bolded for English]

"Hey, you think I should buy the melon bread today?" a boy with golden blond hair questioned to the class prez.

"I don't care. Either way, your English sucks. Being a foreigner and everything, tsk," Class prez insulted the blonde.

The foreigner boy pouted his cheeks and fluently spoke English. He inched closer to the Prez and grinned.

"Are you sure you want to test me when I'm speaking in such graceful English, Prez?" He smirked at the Class prez.

The Class prez remained poised, deciding on what to say next to the arrogant blond boy. A little light bulb ticked in his sharp mind.

"I see. Aren't you the one asking me to help you at night? Such "indispensable" and "critical" needs?" Class prez pushed his glasses back, it shimmered in the sunlight.

The blond boy bit his pink lips in anticipation and pressed them against the Class president's smooth lips. Class prez stared downwards, hiding his face. The blond boy smiled from ear to ear and wrapped his arm around the Class prez neck.

"Didn't I tell you to call me by name?" the blond boy insisted.

Class prez clicked his tongue.

"L-Leo.." Class prez muttered.

"Hai! Kei!"

Kei blushed and the school bell rang. Ding! Dong! He stood up and rushed to his next class.

"Oi! Kei! Wait up, honey!"

"Shut up, you dumb ass!" Kei coldly shouted back.


Minami plastered the band aid around her pointer finger and applied a small pressure. A rush of pain jolted inside of her and she let out a grimaced expression. The classmate seated next to her, was rather indifferent about her case. 


Just one more time and--

"No!! Dai-chan!!" she cried out.

Daisuke didn't look at her. He held his card between his pale fingers and walked past the tanned girl.

"What seat did you get, Dai-chan?" she puzzled him.

Daisuke handed his slip to her and she gasped, in a melodramatic tone. Daisuke shrugged. He didn't have the slightest problem, as he was seated next to Minami, Kira. The girl who played around with anyone. Or to be more blunt, the "slut".

Now, Daisuke didn't care much of what others thought and he never would. Or so he thought. He took his cold seat next to Minami. Daisuke didn't peep a word. Yet she gazed out the window the whole time.

Daisuke didn't mind. He kept his focus up on the white board and Minami kept the distance between them at a comfortable range. Daisuke chuckled, only to realize that Minami snickered right after he had.

Daisuke grinned.

"Nice sitting next to you.." he mumbled.

"Mmm.." she muttered back to him.


Rina knew that Daisuke being seated by Minami, was the entry to trouble. She scratched her long nails on her desk that made the sound to make her teeth grit together.

"Tch.. Minami, Kira."


The class started, it's long journey of twists and turns.

"Let's begin," Mr. Laurie announced in a dark tone.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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