{not decided} Chaptr 1: Suicidal

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Hey guys! This is a new story, very different from the other one, this is personally my favourite. I would really appreciate some feed back .... so plz leave comments n tell me if u like it or not! :D

thnks alot! n also say if you want me to continue with dis or to just stick with my other one ... ty




It hurts, a lot.

That's the only coherent thought I could form, while I lay on the cold, hard ground waiting - hoping - for some kind of relief. In the back of my mind, I could tell that there were people surrounding me, all shouting. Then it grew relatively quite as someone came to sit right next to me on the ground.

I was in too much pain to realize what the person was saying at that time, all I could catch were random phrases.

"- no broken bones! What a miracle! Help me get her into the ambul -"

That's about the time my world faded away, taking my pains away with it.


Chapter 1: Suicidal

I woke up to silence. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around, wincing at the pain and realized that I was in a hospital room - which wasn't hard to guess, with the lack of any furniture, other than the bed I had been sleeping on, in the room.

I was still in a lot of pain, my head throbbed and my lungs hurt with each breath I took. Then, it all slammed back into me, why I was here, what had happened to me last night.

That's about the time I started screaming.

My screams were high pitched and sounded terrifying, but that was because I was terrified. Terrified of what had happened, terrified of what was going to happen, but most of all, terrified of what I had done.

Only a few seconds later, people burst into the room, looking around, probably trying to figure out what had triggered my screaming. When no stalking murderer or pedophile jumped out at them from the shadows, they made their way towards my bed. One woman turned to the switch on the wall and flipped it, turning the light and the other two, a man and a women, tried calming me down. I stopped shouting, suddenly afraid of the people, trying to figure out if they were going to hurt me or not.

"Just calm down, we're not going to bring harm on you."

It felt like the man had read my mind; then again, he would be really dumb not to have deciphered what I was thinking.

"Where am I?"

The question came out instinctively, even though I knew the answer, I wanted to hear it from someone else.

"You're in the hospital, my dear." Said a woman, probably the one who had turned on the lights.

They were all looking at me, waiting for another question, I think.

"Who are you?"

The man took over then, saying that his name was Dr.Phillip, and that he was the doctor assigned to me. He introduced the light lady, as I had dubbed her to be, as Mariah, my personal nurse and the other woman to be Ms.Shickzu, my psychiatrist.

He then launched into a detailed explanation of what was wrong with me. Basically, what I got from that was that, my left wrist was broken, and in a cast (how did I not notice that before?) and that I had lost a lot of blood from gash on my forehead and had gotten 5 stitches there, he also said that I had a concussion and would more than likely be delusional for atleast a few weeks but that otherwise, I was in good condition.

I would have most definitely laughed at that if I wasn't feeling so crappy.

"- we have also contacted the police and your dad, the police are outside and would like to talk to you if you are up to it." He paused and I nodded. "And you father said that he will be here as soon as he can get a flight. Now if you don't have any questions, the police would like to talk to you."

And with that, he turned around, and without waiting for my answer, he strode out of the room, the shrink and nurse following behind him.

Exhausted by just listening to him talking, I lay my head down on the clean-smelling hospital bed and wondered about what the heck I was going to tell the police. I didn't have to think long, because, hardly 30 seconds later, a man walked into the room, his eyes settling on me. He smiled a smile that looked all too fake to me, and without any acknowledgment from me, pulled a chair from across the room and sat right next to the bed.


I ignored him, because I didn't know what else to do. I obvious couldn't talk to him, because talking led to questioning which led to....

I shied away from that thought and just looked at him.

If the guy was somehow offended, he didn't show it. Instead he took out a notebook from his coat pocket, looked at some page and then he carried on, like he was talking to himself.

"So, Ms. Victoria Katt, we got your name from your driver's licence, tell me what happened Sunday night."

"What day is it?" I dodged his question with one of mine, because I had no idea how to answer that, without sounding atleast a little bit crazy.

"Tuesday, now, tell me what happened."

Seeing my hesitation, he said in a gentler tone, "Don't worry about anything, just tell me exactly what happened, and I promise to help get you out of this mess." He looked at me, waiting for my response, and under normal circumstances, he would have gotten none, because I wasn't stupid. But sadly, these weren't normal circumstances; I should have known better, later, I would blame the number of anaesthetics in my blood for messing with my brain.

"Umm... I don't know where to start from." I confessed.

"How 'bout from the beginning?"

"Last night -"

"Sunday night"

I glared at him, and started again, this time putting extra emphasis on the Sunday.

"Last Sunday, we ... we were home, and - and well, we were talking and I freaked - I never meant to, never. But- but - she was, I was ...I didn't mean it!" I broke down into sobs, reliving the whole thing again in my head.

"Calm down, its okay, shush" he patted my arm awkwardly in an attempt to calm me down "now, start over and tell me exactly what happened.

"I - I killed my aunt."


plz comment if u want me to continue ... nxt chptr will b up by wednesdy nite mountain time .... thnx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2009 ⏰

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{not decided} Chaptr 1: SuicidalWhere stories live. Discover now