I open my eyes to a blank space. The one I love standing in the near distance. Staring at me. Smiling at me.
I start towards him, excited to be in his arms again, surrounded by the warmth that i'd yearned for for all too long.
I stop. Unable to move any further, I push against an invisible wall, watching him watch me struggle to get to him, urging him to come the rest of the way... He doesn't. He just stares.
I look to the left and see a girl running straight towards her boyfriend... I know her...I know him too, but not on the same level. I'm about to warn her of the wall but stop as she surpasses it and reaches her man. They are then separated by an invisible force, like two hands pulling them apart and it's now his time to go to her... He's walking... Very slowly... It's almost like a metaphor for their relationship. She likes him so much more than he does and that's what seems to be reflected here... In this blank space.
I look back at him. He's staring at the couple too... No... Not the couple... Just the girl. The gentle smile that graced his face has been replaced by one of gloom. Unable to look at that expression anymore, I look to the right. Another couple. I know them too. I watch them as they both walk towards each other, pace matching until finally, they're in one another's arms.
I look away, not wanting to intrude on their moment and start walking towards what I hope is the start of ours. I don't get far. The wall still separates us and he has made no effort to move. Painfully, I watch as he keeps watching the girl. That's all I can do. I can't touch him, run to him, or even call out to him. I can just watch.
I close my eyes trying to escape. This must be a dream. It has to be. He'd come to me if this wasn't...right?
I open them again, expecting to be anywhere but here. No change. Except for the growing warmth across my back as hands come around my waist to pull me into a hug. This warmth... It's familiar... I relax a little and decide to let the tears flow freely from my eyes, resulting in the blurring of his figure. But even through the screen of tears, I can see I'm not the one he sees. Quiet sobs rack my body as the warmth from behind turns me and embraces me. Comforts me. It's not working as well as I'd like. It's not helping me forget that look. I pull away slightly to see the source of the warmth. I already knew, I just wanted confirmation. The one who'd always known when I wasn't feeling myself and would do whatever to cheer me up. The source lifted its hands to cup my face, forcing me to look at him. His face is still blurry but I can see him well enough. Wiping his thumbs under my eyes, he dries my eyes and kisses me. It's all too familiar. I pull away, not wanting this but instantly missing the little bit of warmth and comfort his embrace granted. I turn away to try and walk towards my love again but still nothing. He didn't even notice, his attention is fully on her. I'm grabbed by my arm and forcefully turned to meet the offending kissers eyes. Everyone here is in a couple so who is he with? Whoever it is must have seen everything... Unless....unless.... I turn around again and sigh defeatedly, wishing this is just a nightmare. I look behind the source of warmth and see yet another girl. Staring in disbelief and pain. She's worse off than me but I can't help but feel no sympathy whatsoever. I can tell that I know her too, but, like nearly everyone else here, I don't remember how. I just feel a strong urge to dislike her for some reason. Once again, I am being pulled into a kiss and this time, I don't fight it, I don't listen to the part of me screaming that it's wrong. I listen only to the part of me that is hurt. The part of me that is crying out in pain because the one I want to love only has eyes for someone else. The part of me that wants to be comforted by this warmth... Can ONLY be comforted by this warmth.
But common sense and guilt win over. I push the warmth source away completely and turn for the last time, hoping that he had managed to tear his eyes away from that ... Bitch for one second...
Instead his gloom is joined by the thin streamlets that are running silently down his face as he watches her.
I start walking. I don't know where, the aim is just OUT. I keep walking, not looking back, not wanting to see it again. I just keep walking until finally....*breathes*
Dream boat
RandomA series of random dreams more-so for the purpose of having them recorded as well as being material towards a story I was working towards but have since paused due to loss of inspo. But yeah. Random dreams. A peak into the mind of madness