Chapter One

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"Auction houses run a rigged game. They know exactly how many people will be bidding on a work and exactly who they are. In a gallery, works of art need only one person who wants to pay for them."

-Jerry Saltz

"Norah, could you help guest 205 find the bar on the main lobby floor?" Jazz asked me. I don't know why, but I always thought that she hated me for some reason. Whenever she's around me, she tries to give me as much work as possible; but she is one of the managers, so no matter how much work she gives me, I have to smile and say yes.

"Of course." I smiled politely as I lead the already drunken man down the stairs and to one of our big sports bars.

"Thanks sweetheart." He gave me a small wink and a tiny pinch on my butt. It made me jump. He does this everyday to the female workers, that's the only reason why Jazz didn't want to lead him because she didn't want to get touched. Even though we brought it up to the board that us maids have been either groped, touched, or "accidentally" seen naked, they wont do anything about it because we'll lose guests.

"Please don't do that sir." Without surprise, he didn't hear me and started walking away.

"Norah!" Jazz's voice echoed behind me. "I need you to carry our new guests luggage to the fortieth floor.

"Okay." I smiled forcefully. God I hate her so much; if only I could get payback for all the years she treated me badly, but I don't have time. With college being in the middle of the semester, the only payback I have is to my college loans. I'm just happy that it's my final year, but these payments are going to last a lifetime.

Giving a smile, I bent down and grabbed onto both the bags. It was our usual rich family staying for the weekend. The father was wearing a suit as the wife wore a pearl necklace with a tight red wine dress. They had two boys who had their faces glued to their phones.

"Right this way." I said as I aimed my body towards the elevators.

"We know where we're going thank you." The wife suddenly spoken up with a growl.

"Then please lead, and I will follow with your luggage." I swear they treat us like we're nothing. They wipe their feet all over us, but it's the only job that offers a place to sleep and food to eat and with my mother and brother in Missouri, I don't have much.

"You're damn right you're going to follow. I don't need no house maid showing me where I need to be, I'm an independent women who can find her way." She started stomping towards the elevators. They stopped me before I could get in with them. "I'll like you to ride separately from us darling, I'm sure you understand." She gave a smirk.

"Oh, no problem." As soon as the elevator doors closed I instantly put the bags down. My arms were feeling like jelly; did they pack rocks or something? Shouts and screams started to fill the air, making my head dart across the room to see William Harrison walking across the lobby. He owned the entire hotel, being the name is "The Royal Harrison," and believe it or not, he is only twenty-four, just one year older than I am. While I'm under student loans, he owns one of the richest hotels in the world. To this day I still don't understand how he started out. Rumor has it that his father was strict and made him become homeschooled so he wouldn't have friends get in the way. Must have been tuff growing up with a hard family, but I can't say that. Even my family had ups and downs.

"Excuse me miss, but aren't you going to move?" William Harrison asked me with a rude tone while he stood over me. The posse of reporters and dressed up women started whispering to one another. I tried to move my legs, but my body was too dumbfounded to cooperate. "Move." He shoved me out of the way causing me to fall to the ground. The others laughed and chuckled, as they didn't help me up. It wasn't surprising, they're all rich, just because I don't have much money, and they think they can ruin my life, well they're wrong. My brain started to gather the image of William's facial structures. I've never been that close to him. His dark brown hair, and gleaming green-blue eyes, his strong, sexy jaw line. Even though he was wearing a dark suit with a tie, I could tell he worked out, but what am I thinking, that is the last time I'll probably see him, so no need to develop a crush. Besides he's a total jerk.

"Hey, Dumbo, are you going to take those guests luggage to their room or what? Jeez, and I'm going to have a talk with you when you get back; I feel like we have to go over the English language when someone tells us to move you move. Especially if it's William Harrison!" Jazz was going on and on, but before I could hear any more, I was already in the elevator heading to the fortieth floor

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