Chapter Three

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Slowly my eyes began to open; my memory was faint, but I could remember being hit in the head. Quickly I got up; I knew how these things gone. I lifted up my shirt to see if there were any scars showing I was missing any organs. None, though when I looked up, my surroundings were expensive objects. I was in a cage; my legs and hands were tapped along with my mouth. What did those men do to me? One of the men who attacked me started walking around the objects. His eyes met mine and he smiled.

"You're awake, boy is this going to be interesting. It's your time to shine. Luke, get this one up on the stage."

He was just a teenager, maybe eighteen or seventeen. He was wearing a very nice suit and had his long hair pulled back.

"Her? Is this even legal?"

"It is if you don't get caught, and besides, she broke William's vase. This is how she's paying back. Now get her up on the stage." He growled. Not a moment later, he got others and set the cage onto a handle dolly. I tried my best to beg, but the tape was muffling my pleas. Eventually, I was put onto a dark stage and left alone.

"The next item up for bid would have been one of William Harrison's amazing vase's, but due to an accident the next item up for bid is," the lights immediately turned on. There were many people sitting in seats in front of me. "Norah Joe Alice." My body froze when they said my whole name. The next thing I heard were strong whispers in the crowed.

"Have her as your own personal maid, or even have her do special things. She's yours, you could own her, make her do anything you wanted. Shout out to the single guys out there. The bid will start at five hundred thousand."

My eyes wondered, the sales man was wearing a funny looking animal mask, and was speaking very fast. The next thing I saw was the women and the husband from earlier. Everyone's looks were plain. Estimating how many people were here, it could have been six hundred to a thousand, but there were black windows above the audience, and I couldn't guess who was in there.

"Five thousand, do I hear six thousand?" The sales man shouted in the crowd.

"Six hundred thousand!" A male voice yelled.

"Seven hundred thousand!" Another. More and more bids were making it's way to the stage. It wasn't tell a chubby, man who sat in the front who spoke.

"Five hundred million!" The crowd was silent. He didn't even look like he had that much money. He looked like a bum, he didn't shave his beard so it grew down his chin, and he wore a Hawaiian shirt.

"Five hundred million from Jack Farrow, any one want to bet against that?" Silence.

"Six hundred million." A voice echoed through the room. "My bidder says he won't withdraw."

The one they claim as Jack Farrow looked towards the man, then back at me. It looked like he couldn't go any more.

"Seven hundred." He mumbled.

"My bidder says one billion dollars." The voice echoed again.

"Jack, do you want to keep going?" The sales man asked. Jack gave up and in defeat he stormed off and disappeared through the doors.

"Congratulations to bidder number 61 on item 23 for one billion dollars." After he slammed a hammer down, the lights turned off once again. The cage began to move and I found myself in front of two men wearing a ski mask.

"Is this the item?"

"It says item 23 on it don't it?"


"Then this is the item." They sounded like brothers.

"Well, you grab her then."

"Why do I have to?"

"Because you're younger."

After a glare towards one another, they broke the lock and forcefully grabbed my arms. I couldn't do much with my arms and legs being taped up.

"Quit your fighting, we aren't going to hurt ya." They pulled my body away from the cage. The next thing that happened was a dark bag went over my head. I couldn't tell where we were going, but we went up stairs, through halls, and into an elevator.

"After this, I think I want to go get some tacos." One of them said.

"Shut up Dale." The other mumbled. So the young one was Dale.

Questions were filling my head. Where are they taking me? Who are they taking me too? What are they going to do to me? Will I ever see my family again? After walking through large doors, we stopped walking.

"What took you guys so long? The boss doesn't like waiting." A young voice spoke.

"Well we didn't believe that it was a women he bought, thought it wasn't legal." Dale spoke.

"Whatever. Hey boss they're back." I heard footsteps coming down marble stairs. They started getting closer, it was silent in the room and then all of a sudden, they stop right in front of me.

"Here you are boss. Item 23, but why did you buy her for one billion dollars? That's insane."

"I know what's sane or not." Wait, that voice? It can't be. The bag was removed from my face and there he was; William Harrison.

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