Chapter Ten

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            "What are you doing here?" Was the first thing I managed to say.

"What happened to you? Why do you look like you just seen a ghost?" His face was filled with worry. I just about, just almost ran into his open arms, but I stopped myself. I don't want to get hurt anymore than I already am. I'm broken.

"Leave." Once the demand came, my heart burned in my chest.

"I can't do that unless I know what happened to you. Look at you, you're outfit is ripped." The sudden outburst made me look down to notice that the top part of my shirt was torn, almost showing my naked chest.

'That's none of your business. Maybe it would have been a hour ago, but not anymore. Now I'm asking you to leave." I said again as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere." He sat on my bed and gave a small huff. He reminded me of a stubborn, spoiled child.

"This is my dorm, my room, and under the law of the rulebook if the owner asks someone to leave they have no right to stay, now go before I get security." I never thought I could be so strong. Maybe it was because I wanted to cry by myself with no one around, or it's because I still have feelings for him and know that he doesn't feel the same. It wasn't long until the tears were pouring down my face once more. Seeing my tears, he slowly got off from my bed and come towards me with a hug; immediately I pushed him away. The last man who hugged me almost tried to rape me.

"Leave." Stay. "I don't want you here." I need you here.

"I can't leave you alone like this. Please, tell me what happened to you, then I'll leave you alone for as long as you want me too." He lifted my chin up with his soft warm hand.

"What about what people think? And your company?" I argued back.

"I thought I meant what I said, but I can't do it. Seeing you run out the door like that made me chase after you. I couldn't control myself. So screw the company, let them think what they want."

Now you tell me what I want to hear. Now you say that you don't care. I can't do it again, I don't know if I can trust him again. With sorrow, I moved his hand away from my face.

"Mike." Was the only word I said before my throat swelled up and tears formed in my eyes. Looking up at him his face changed to horror.

"He didn't." His face grew hot and red.

"I want you to go now. You broke my heart when you put something that isn't even important in front of someone who actually cared, someone who was there. I loved you, and I want you to go. Now." I didn't look at him when I said that, I ignored my sudden chest pains, the urges to fall in his arms. Instead of opening the door for him, I just went to lay on my bed and faced the wall. Closing my eyes, I heard his footsteps move closer to me, and then his soft, warm lips touched my head. Then the next thing I felt was the necklace being loose. My eyes open wide.

"You're free." He whispered. Slowly his footsteps begun walking towards my door. "Goodbye Norah." And he was gone.

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