Chapter 12

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Warning:Da FEELS!
I then transform back and rub sweat off my forehead..
YN:Now lets go!
We then started running and Bee started driving away...We follow him because he's the only one to know where we are since he found us..We then headed to these stairs and-
Sam:We need to go across that river!You see that one!Its the one thats controls everything
Will:Hey heres an idea why not lets YN shoot at it instead of making us come here
YN:I would if I could reach it!So stop complaining!
We started running some more to the bridge..
Will:How are we gonna get this bridge down
Robert:Lets get somehwere!
Robert:Will!What are you doing here
Will:Time is whack!
Robert:Listen the autobots are surrounded and-
YN:They are what!
Robert:Nothing YN..You wouldnt like it
YN:Well surely I wont....
We then started running and Sam taps my shoulder
Sam:You need to come now!
I follow them and we ended up seeing the autobots surrounded by decipticons and being beaten..We go under the car.I see them sitting down..
YN:*whispers*So this is what they dont want me to know about
I see Dino get punched and Bee get kicked by the back on his head..Thats made me twitch a little seeing them get hurt..mostly to Bee....I bit my lip and see Sam get out the car..
?:Prisoners your keeping prisoners
I turn to see Dylan talking to a decipticon and I frown..Why is he still alive!?
Dylan:You need to teach them about respect.
Decipticon:Yeah no prisoners only trophies
Que:I think there gonna kill us
Decipticon:You.Your time is up!
Que:Wait we surrender we are your prisoners
Decipticon:Move it!
Que:We can talk this out!I mean-Ah
I see Que get killed in my very own eyes..Anger and tears started to form in my body.They shoot him again which makes me cry old..friend
Decipticon:Your mine!*drags Bee*
I see Bee get taken and Bee was trying to go to Que but he couldn't
YN:We got to help him
YN:We got to help him*gets gun out*
Sam:Wait YN
I then try to shoot but had no ammo
YN:Shit..*punches window*
I then look over to see Bee get pushed and he notices me looking at him..They were getting there guns ready till-
YN:*gets out of hiding spot*Hey!Since you wanna shoot autobots!Shoot me instead!
Bee:YN.... What are doing!
YN:*ignores him*Shoot me instead of Bee!Im an autobot too
I transform into my autobot form and they look at me in shock
YN:Okay...Now that you know..... shoot me!Just do it!Okay!Make it quick!
The decipticon came closer to me and I drop all of my weapons I had even my secret one.Sam,Carly, and Bee looked at me in shock but I try the best to stay confident and look at the decipticon straight into his eyes
YN:Just do it....
Bee:Wait!....Dont do this!Shoot.... me!
YN:No Bee!Now go do it!Shoot me!Get it over with!Before I change my mind
Bee:*gets infront of me*Please! this!Your the I got!
YN:I would say the same to you but....I dont want to say goodbye like this
Bee:No!...I lobe you to let you go!
YN:I do too.But Im willing to let you go,Bee..
A decipticon gets him out the way and a tear went through my face..I look at Sam and Carly and see Carly crying but Sam worried..
YN:Ok Im ready
Ratchet:YN!Dont sacrifice you lifes for ours!
Dino:Dont do it your our buddy!
He points the gun at me and I close my eyes.
YN:I love you guys too much Im willing to let go...

I heard a gun shot and I felt pain in my heart..I collapsed to the floor seeing energon spill everywhere
I then slowly transform back to my human form and lay down on the floor.I see Sam,Carly come to me and Bee,Ratchet,and Dino holoforms surrounding me
Bee:Your gonna be okay just stay with me...Ratchet...
Ratchet:On it...
Dino:Your wounded pretty bad
Sam:What were you think YN!
Carly:YN your my best friend...*teary*
I see Ratchet get rubbing alcohol and a towel.He was about to place it on my chest till I stopped him
Bee:YN...What are you-
YN:Just leave me...I'll be okay
Bee:*cries*We all know your gonna die!
YN:I love you guys
Sam:Dont you leave us!*teary*Your my only sister!
YN:Sam and Carly you were the best family I ever gotten
YN:Dino and Ratchet go find Optimus...
YN:And Bee....I-I love you
Bee:No,no,no this isnt goodbye!*wipes tears*It isnt goodbye!
?:Im afraid it is
I see Dylan behind us and I turn to Bee
YN:Dont give up
I then start to black out and they were all shaking me
Bee:YN!No!*cries*Come back!
...Black out...
I woke to see Primus
Primus:Why...Why did you choose to die
YN:What else would I do!I cant the decipticon kill Bee!Hes my only love!
Primus:But you wont to be able to see him again..And you wont get to see Jay and Bianca
YN:Who are they
Primus:Oh you'll find out sooner or later...But look here
He then shows me the war going on after I passed
Primus:They need you more than anything..
YN:What are you saying
Primus:Im giving you a chance to live once more...
Primus:I know your trying to protect them but this decision did that but...left them in pain
He then shows me Bee punching the lights out one decipticon..I see Carly crying,and Sam trying to not get his anger out..Next thing I see Bee almost getting shot in the face
Primus:Now is your time....
I woke up to see myself in no injuries and I transform my hand to a gun and started shooting them
YN:Im not going anywhere!

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