Chapter One

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A/N: Don't worry, there won't be very many of these. This story is completely my own. I edit it, and I try my best to catch all of mymistakes; but I don't always catch all of them, so if you see one, feel free to point it out! Also, how do you add the "cast" to the story? And if you want to make me an epic cover, that would be awesome.

Is it possible to fly? Like without an airplane? By the way, who makes those airplanes? What are they like? Where do they live? Do they have families? Can they be TRUSTED to make these airplanes? I hope so. I don’t want any airplane I’m in to go crashing down. That is if I ever get to fly in one. Maybe one day. Do airplane companies make other things? Like this pencil! Do they make pencils? Does that mean my pencil can fly? No, of course not, don’t be silly…. I should throw it to test it out, though. I would get in trouble… But if it could fly—

“Marianna Caminare! Are you even listening?”

The teacher interrupted Marianna’s thoughts, bringing her back to her surroundings. She had zoned out again, and apparently missed the lecture her teacher was giving. Mrs. Lovya stood in front of Marianna’s desk with her hands planted on her hips and a stern expression on her face.

“I-I… err, yes ma’am! Every word.”
“Then what, pray tell, did I just say to you?”

Marianna’s face turned a bright crimson as she stayed silent, knowing she would be in trouble once again, but in more trouble if she blurted out something stupid. Marianna just shook her head, hoping her punishment wouldn’t be too severe.

Mrs. Lovya sighed and shook her head. “What am I supposed to do with you? How do you expect to pass your classes if you don’t pay attention? Alright, I want you to copy page 63 out of your Latin textbook… Oh, let’s go with eight times. It’s not too long of a page. I expect that on my desk at eight o’clock sharp tomorrow morning!”

Just as Mrs. Lovya finished talking, the school bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Marianna was so happy to be getting out of there that she nearly tripped trying to run out the door. Her best friend, Blaire Grytin, met her at the lockers. Blaire didn’t have her own car, so Marianna gave her a ride to and from school every day. They had been best friends since they were in diapers. Marianna and Blaire had lived on the same street for their whole lives. They couldn’t imagine life without each other, even though they were like night and day.

Marianna saw herself as an average girl: not too pretty, chubbier than most girls, just average. She blended into the crowd. Blaire, on the other hand, was the envy of every girl in school. She had perfect golden hair that always fell into place, whether she had it straight or curly. Anything she wore looked gorgeous on her, like she didn’t even try. Blaire was beautiful even without makeup on, though Marianna was one of the only people to ever see her without any.

Marianna didn’t care for the high school drama that seemed to feed Blaire’s energy. Marianna just wanted to get away from the immature people she had grown up with and discover the world. She didn’t want to be stuck in Mississippi for the rest of her life. She didn’t belong there. She didn’t fit in there.

As Marianna grabbed the books she needed for homework, Blaire leaned against the lockers and filled her in on the latest gossip.

“Oh. My. God. Did you hear what Rebecca did to John? It’s all over the school! Apparently, Connor—you know, John’s best friend—has been messing around with Rebecca for, like, a year! John and Rebecca have been dating for three years! How she could do something like that to that beautiful boy, only God can understand. What? Oh, sorry, hun, you know I forget you don’t like me ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain,’” Blaire said, putting air quotations around the last part. “Goodness, girl, you have got to get over that. Everywhere you go, people are going to be saying that. It’s not like its real anyway!”

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