Evening Coincidence

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- Here, you are as SeulGi (if you prefer to).
- This imagine was written based on 1st persons pov, I as SeulGi.
- ChanYeol here, obviously as ChanYeol himself (not as EXOs CY).
- When you reach the sentence; 'Not long after that, i bumped...............', please listen to the song; EXOs First Love / RVs Somethin Kinda Crazy / Henry ft SeulGis Butterfly / EXOs Beautiful / BoAs Who Are You. It will help you, i mean like youll get more feels by that. Its just a suggestion.
- Rating: Fluff.


It was still early in the evening and Ive finished all my college tasks. Iam now sitting lazily on my cozy sofa with my  hot chocolate beside me and my favorite book on lap. Another great addition is that my living room's wallpaper is dark brown and cream which let more comfort surrounds me.

As minutes pass by, my novel is going more complex and my brows are arching more and more which signals my mind is going on the crazy story. After reading a few more chapters, my mind finally cant take it anymore which made me now holding the tv remote and begin switching into more tv channels. No luck afterall, no great movies to watch in this early evening. I guess that my eyes need some refreshments otherwise it will go off next week because of more college tasks and presentations.

After deciding what should i do next, i finally came up with a bright idea; ill go to the supermarket. I ran the stairs and in a record time ive changed to a white loose t shirt and light blue skinny jeans and a grey snapback which is really my style. I get out of my apartment and press the lift button.


Finally im here... Long time no see!!... I began strolling, which is actually tbh- wandering down the supermarket because i have nothing to buy instead of forgeting my list on the living room table.

First of all, i stroll the path down the body care rail. I begin picking this and that including masks, lotion, chocolates, and more drinks. After i had enough of this, i walk to the cashier. Not long after that, i bumped to a tall guy. Anddd....., all my things, definitely fall..... Good one, he help me. "Are you ok? Im so sorry, iam on a hurry.." He help me with all the things and he touch my right hand. Iam surprised at first but as soon as i see his face, o my gosshhh, hes an angel, and waitt!, he has that big eyes and dobi ears. And little do i know, he caresses my face and said; "Do you just blushed? *giggles* Youre beautiful to..." he said. Oh my goodness,,,.... wat in world he just said?! Im dreaming.... God, wake me please..... "HeLLo..." he wave his hand right in front my face. "Dont daydream. C'mon lemme pay it for you.." "Oh nonono, im fine thank you, youre just so kind hehe...." "Oh nono, i know it hurts. Cmon ill help you." No choice bruhh, he then pay it for me and he drive me home. Actually im really excited for it. Oh i just met a cute guy in the supermarket and all over the things and oh my goodness, i cant believe it, well ill just jump into the conclusions then...

"Bye! Thanks for today! Youre so kind... *blush *"
"Hey! Yeah! *scratching nape * would you mind if we exchange line id??" he said. "Sure! Why not?" "Okay heres my id, xxxxxxxxx." "Thanks see ya next time!" He then flash me a sweet ☺ which made me blush and rush out of his car which only to hide my pink tinted cheeks.


HeLLo!! Aloha!! Moshi moshi!! Annyeong!! Halo!! Cao cao!! Ni Hao!! /whatever forget it/

Okayy.... Hows it guys?? I hope youre enjoying the story.... Yeah well, i know i made it sucks, especially the last ones kkkkk yea..... Forgive me its my 1st chappy in this book, so mianhae, mianhaeyeo, mianhae, mianhaeyeo, /bows 90°/......


Love You readers bunches!!
(Next will be SeHun X Irene) STAY TUNED!!!!!

Btw, happy belated birthday to our sweetest unicorn oppa, Lay.... May ALL OF YOUR WISHES COME TRUE.... (Oct 7)
N oooppss.... Also Happy birthday also too myself.... Nahh, guyz ignoreee..... Btw im 14 yo already..../sobs, cover face/ (oct 8)
U, how old r u??? Cmmnt plzz.... I did love to knoww...



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