Chapter 8: Black Waters (part 1)

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Its been weeks since they began moving, everyone's tired,hungry and weary, and until now, there are no signs of hope upon finding Profondis,

"Maris, the merpeople are starving, there are not enough sea grasses and seaweeds to support their hunger" Meredith whispered to her sister, hoping to find any solution to the said problem,

"I thought food will not be a big problem for us? Coralia,the star of the sea with us, remember?" Maris said, trying to point out that Coralia's ability to control the growth of corals and sea foliage is enough to sustain the pack, 

"But Maris, Coralia's been using her power for weeks, and she is starting to get weak, if she uses again her ability then she will not have enough strength left to sustain her life, she might get water fevers, or the worst, she might die" Meredith said,

Maris is troubled and confused, she doesn't even recognize herself anymore, from the start of their journey the calmness from her was barely seen, the result? They are starting to loose the peace and meditation they have inside their minds and they are starting to be bothered by everything,

When the one responsible for the calmness and meditation of all the sea people and sea creatures is loosing the peace within her, might  as well , everyone in the sea will loose theirs too,

"The tides are not with us" Nerin said  as she breaks the silence between Meredith and Maris, 

"The merpeople are starting to loose their trust on us, they are starting to question our leadership among them, we have to find Profondis, not tomorrow, nor the following days, but today" she added, 

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