2: Bet It

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Asia on the side! >>>> (There wasn't much action in the other chapter, but maybe in this one c:)

Official Chapter 2: Bet It.

   Jacob arms was wrapped around Shayna, as he slept good. Little snores flit Shayna's ear since she's been awoke. She then decided that since he was sleep, that she could go and meet Asia like she said she would. So, she texted Asia to meet her, slowly took Jacob's arm from around her and grabbed her white flats then walked downstairs in a rush. She wanted to be gone before he had the chance to wake up. Bella was sleep as well, in her doggy beg. Shayna smiled, putting on her white flats and quietly leaving out of the house.

As Shayna put her keys in the door to unlock it, Asia had called her cellphone. She sighed and pressing 'answer' and sliding the phone up to her ear. "Yes?" she said, getting situated into her seat, closing the door, putting her seat belt on and putting the key into the ignition and pulling off. "Why did you change your mind earlier?" she asked. Shayna rolled her eyes. What's up with the questions, Asia? she wanted to ask, but she didn't.

"Because my man didn't wan't me too." she stated, breaking off into smile. It felt good to call someone 'her man', since her heartbreaking breakup with David. And besides, she knew the man had feelings for her. So, yea, that was a plus. And besides, this was what she always wanted. Especially from Jacob.

"Wait...yo' man?!" Asia laughed. "What the hell?! Since when did my bitch had a man?" she asked, chuckling. Shayna smiled, shaking her head, and pulling up into the mall. "I'll tell you inside. I see your car." Shayna said before she had hung up. She hopped out and closed the door, locking it before heading towards Asia's shiny car. 

"Hey baby," Asia greeted Shayna smiling. Shayna chuckle as the two began walking up to the doors. "Now...when did your ass get a man?" Asia asked. Shayna blushed a little, opening the door. She was happy for a change, and Asia could see it through her expression. It completely over through Asia.

"Remember me telling you about someone name Jacob?" Shayna asked her as they started walking towards Victoria Secret's. Asia nodded. "Well, girl, I had invited him over yesterday after school. So when he was playing with Bella, I had put my arms in his and kissed him and things went from there." she shrugged, smiling at the memory. Can you believe it? 

"What...so how do you know he isn't after you for just sex baby? I mean, like, you hadn't trusted no other male since David, you know?" Shayna nodded, actually thinking about it. She didn't regret the sex since from Jacob. But...if he did her dirty like David, she really couldn't live with it. She frowned in return.

"You're right," Shayna had insisted. "But I love him." Now she was a wreck. Shayna really loves Jacob, truly. He was her everything. Why he do that to her though? He said he loved her, cared for her and whatnot. So, why wouldn't it be true? But Shayna knew that she had to be cautious. "I know Shay baby, but, you should keep those cookies in the jar for a while to see for sure." Shayna nodded, wiping away the single tear and begin looking at things for work. 

A few things caught her up. She had picked up some bottles of scented lotion, and also perfume. She picked up matched thongs and strapless bras and payed for them. Asia payed for her things and went to buy some heels. Shayna was in pure thought. Shayna had picked up some cute pairs or six-inch heels, black ones too. She needed to look good for the men. 

About an hour later, she was walking into the front door of her home. She tip-toed upstairs, opened the ajar door and seen Jacob laying across the bed watching TV. Shayna sat the bag on the bed and took off her flats.

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