Untitled Part 1

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Eva Lefoy
Made New
Hoping to bring back her former sexiness, Dr. Frankenstein creates a new body for his aging wife, but his plan goes awry when she creates a new lover of her own.

Pamela Moran
Daughters of Astra: Jolie's Pirate
Jolie has enough on her plate without having to deal with a black cat, a sexy pirate, and an ancient prophecy. Can Locke help her separate fantasy from reality or will he remain forever in another realm?

Shiloh Saddler
Imagining fame and fortune, Elliot Giles ventures out on Halloween determined to capture a photograph of the supernatural. When he meets the vampire, Rafe, they strike a deal, but is it for more than he bargained?

Jillian Stone
Eat, Slay, Lust
The zombie apocalypse is on, and Lizzy Davis is determined to survive. Her escape plan includes a sexy proposition for Black Hawk pilot, Captain Chris "Kahuna" Oakley. His answer knocks her flat on her ass. He wants so much more.

Haley Whitehall
Cat Eyes
Opal Rinehart's beloved black cat Alastair isn't exactly the pet he appears. On Halloween his binding spell is broken and they form a deeper connection on a human level.

Jocelyn Dex
Miranda is freaked out by the weird happenings in her new house. Her husband Zac thinks it's all in her head—moving stress and creepy Halloween decorations sparking an overactive imagination. Is Miranda crazy? Or is her fear justified?

Daisy Banks
Charity's Fortune
Halloween is a time the young people of the county can get together without too much attention from their elders. This night the courageous will find out their future. Charity Burbage isn't brave but she is willing to let Joe Anderson help her discover all she might need to know.

Eva Lefoy
My Master, my Dom
When Victor's creation demands a mate, he turns to a renowned explorer for help, ignorant of the famous man's preference for BDSM. With his assistance, Victor opens up to his submissive side and lets the monster wield control.

Tara Quan
A naughty frost witch challenges an earth mage to a snowball fight. One of them gets spanked. Find out who!

Leigh Ellwood
Don't Dare the Reaper
En route to a Halloween party, Cal and Sue perish in a car crash...or do they die? The handsome Reaper helps them "kill" time in Limbo. 

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